A Review of the New Honda Jazz EX Style


We love Honda! Even though my very first car was a Porsche, I couldn't afford the insurance on it, so I ended up buying a Honda Civic, and it was truly, love at first sight.

This is Honda's new trim for their extremely popular Jazz - the EX Style.

Join us for a look at what's different.

Thank you all, and enjoy!

Annabelle 😊

0.083 NEOXAG


Excellent review. The Jazz / Fit has always been a clever little car, memories of road trips in rental ones here in Thailand and they were excellent even with a CVT (once you master how to control it with throttle). What has always been a bit of an anomaly with these is image - in UK/EU they've been often looked down upon as an 'old persons' car. In Asia, it's the exact opposite, they are very trendy popular car with youngsters, and even with the modding/custom scene you get some totally wild ones out here, done out as little road-legal race cars ....

0.000 NEOXAG

That's really good to hear, @newtonclassics! Ben relished the chance to take a Jazz out on a performance drive when we first had one on review, and it performed exactly as you said, a little road-race car! He literally out-drove so many people in it, it was awesome! 🤣🤣


0.000 NEOXAG

My first car was a Jaguar that I won in a raffle, I could not afford the insurance either!

0.000 NEOXAG