
Balnacing Work With Personal Life!

Balancing work with personal life is not easy at all, in this scenario my work is “school” as I am student!

As I go through school, I have realized how hard it is to balanced schoolwork and personal life and it is a constant struggle as I go through school and school goes through me as well. it is easy to get sucked/tired with lectures, assignments, project and deadlines most especially in this final year, I will be in school from 7:00am to most times 6:00pm just to see that I meet up with everything that has to do with my education, I don’t have much time for my personal life again due to school (work) activities, leaving little time for things that make me happy outside of school. But i have learned that ignoring my personal life has negative effects and it has seriously affected me because it reaches to a point, I don’t engage in church activities which is supposed to be number one priority I suddenly became a Sunday worshiper neglection my music group in church with always makes me happy and where I always find comfort whenever I am depressed. Sincerely finding balance is not about perfection but it is about making choices that support our overall life and embracing the beauty of imperfections by doing so we can live a more intentional, joyful and meaningful life which I fail to know earlier.

Picture of my self

I realize that when I focus too much on schoolwork, I feel tired, stressed and disconnected. My relationship with God, neighbors, friends, peace and mental health suffers a lot and school performance too. So, I made so much efforts to prioritize my personal life, I set aside time for self-care like going to church/rehearsals, exercise, reading, walking and associating/relaxing with loved ones. So after my lectures I go home straight to refreshing up myself, eat and go to church if there is a activity there but if there is no activity I will sleep to regain strength sometimes I will do little exercise the sleep and wake up later to continue with any school related activity then weekends and connect with family and friends. I say no to things that drain me and yes to things that help me grow; spiritually, educationally, mentally and physically, it is not always easy and some days I feel like I am failing but I am trying to be kinder to my self and remember that finding balance is a process. By taking small step I am becoming more focused, productive and peaceful.

Picture of me and my Profesional colleagues.

For me balance means accepting imperfections, using your time wisely and understanding myself better, it means knowing school is just part of my life and my personal growth, relationship and happiness are just important as my grades.

In conclusion: Balancing school or work with personal life is a complex and ongoing process because it requires effort, setting boundary, intentional time management and maintaining overall wellbeing, individuals can have a perfect/harmonious balance that will help achieve academic and professional success while nurturing personal growth, relationships and happiness.
Remember, balance is a journey not a destination. It is okay to stumble, adjust and learn as we go by been kind to ourselves and acknowledging the importance of personal growth, relationships and happiness then we can create a fulfilling life that aligns with our values and aspirations!

All images in this post are mind.
Let love lead.


As a student in Nigeria the truth is that our school system doesn't really allow work, and as a person you just have to decide that you would develop your personal, social and spiritual life


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Achieving balance in life and work does not just come and stay it is an ongoing process as you pointed out so it is important in all not to neglect the things that make us happy. Also learning how to strike balance is very important so your spirit man won't suffer too.

I do wish the best of the project year
