Hive Cebu - Pitik Photography Shots #94 (Enjoying the Sea)


This is my friend Dyna who I took a picture of. She was digging through the sand and seems like she is enjoying it a lot like a kid playing in the sand. Isn't it lovely? I really love this photo that is why I put it in first to attract your attention <3
I am not too sure what the problem of this girl is but she really looked sad that why I edited the photo to be a little moody to compliment her facial expression which to be was really priceless. You can't fake that <3
I take random photos of strangers and sometimes these strangers notice me and this is an example of it. She was doing this very lovely pose so I hastily took a photo of her but then got this instead lol. She is still doing the pose but... oh well :(


Before anything else if you are new to my blogs and want to know what "Pitik Photography Shots" is then read my blog about "Pitik Photography" here

Hello everyone! It's another day and it's another walk/ride again for me. While walking I will always bring my Panasonic Lumix FZ80 with me so I can take random shots at people or take shots from people who asks me to take a picture of them.

Main Content

A few days ago during my afternoon ride, I went to Aroma Beach in Bahay Sibonga Cebu. It is a free beach in our town meaning there was no entrance fee nor cottages to use. People just bring their own tables, chairs and hammocks here to use. If you are okay with just sitting on the sand then that is good as well just bring a table cloth or a pinic cloth. Anyways I was lucky to have come here during that day since there were quite a number of people there so I had a lot of subjects to choose from. I stayed there for roughly 30 minutes or so hunting down any potentially good photographs and these are what I got.

I hope y'all enjoy these photos 😍 Have a good day ahead! Cheers! Till Next Time 😘 See Yah 😁
