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A lot of people underestimate the importance of emergency funds, it could save one in grave situations. He'd totally ignored all my advice before now and this is the consequence.
I'm sorry for your brother's situation. I also think that sometimes, many people cannot even meet a square of their daily needs, let alone saving up emergency funds from a meager income.
Another factor is some people's disbelief that there would ever be any cause for emergency alarm in their lives, so they just spend everything they have and believe that if at all emergency comes, the money for the emergency will come under a miracle. I have a lot of people that go about with this idea.
And in the area of debts, not just only your brother is a victim, so many people are. sometimes people run into debts due to lack of contentment or unnecessary wants and then expecting to fix their debts, but realizing the next income is not even enough and they run into more debts in a bid to tag along with the society.
As for our Nigerian system, it's really breaking down and nobody is helping matters not even the people who were called to be life savers.
Take heart, just do your little best for your brother, but don't get yourself worked up. You have your own life to live too. It is well.
We can be overly positive and hopeful but a general sense of optimism towards life can cost us so much. I know of people too who did not deem it necessary to have emergency funds. The reality of the situation is that it comes from an in-depth awareness of personal finance education.
I think one thing is that people are too overzealous and they allow religion blind their consciousness of what reality is about.
Bad things and good things are part of life, it's normal, it's not charm, neither is it village people.
Thanks a million, for your concern, I'm grateful. How have you been?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
it's ma pleasure😊. Thanks too for sharing your position with us.
I have been trying to be fine though. Speaking about hospitals, my mum has been seriously ill and was admitted in the hospital so, we were busy running around for her, but I thank God she's getting better, every expenses also fell back on emergency funds🤷
Well well, seems like most people are having hospital issues, how's she's doing now? Better?
Yeah Better. Thank you