Bug / Cesta jedného chrobáka
I finally sorted through my photos from the summer and came across this.
This beetle visited our garden. I told my daughter to watch him while I brought my camera. I told her that we haven't photographed such a beetle yet and we have to fix it.
I ran into the house as hard as I could, I returned to the garden and he was there. The bug and my daughter too.
She is quite timid, so I was slightly worried that she would not give up guarding. But enthusiasm won over fear and we could start taking pictures.
The beetle, unknown to us, really behaved like a photo model. He changed positions, even flew from place to place. However, the problem was to photograph it so that it was not blurred. I kept the best shots, developed them and will share them with you in this post.
I have to say that this whole photo shoot with an unconventional model was, among other things, quite funny. Especially when the bug took off and my four-year-old daughter thought it was chasing them. She ran when her strength was enough.
If anyone knows the name of this bug, please let me know, I will be grateful.
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Konečne som si triedil fotky z leta a narazil som na toto.
Na záhradu k nám zavítal tento chrobák. Povedal som svojej dcére aby ho strážila kým si ja prinesiem fotoaparát. Vravel som jej, že takého chrobáka ešte odfoteného nemáme a musíme to napraviť.
Utekal som do domu čo mi sily stačili, vrátil som sa na záhradu a bol tam. Aj chrobák a aj moja dcéra.
Tá je dosť bojazlivá, tak som mal mierne obavy, či to stráženie nevzdá.Nadčenie ale vyhralo nad strachom a mohli sme sa teda pustiť do fotenia.
Pre nás neznámy chrobák sa choval skutočne ako fotomodel. Striedal polohy, dokonca prelietaval z miesta na miesto. Problém ho však bolo vyfotografovať tak, aby nebol rozmazaný. Tie najlepšie zábery som si nechal, vyvolal a v tomto príspevky sa o ne s vami podelím.
Musím povedať, že celé toto fotenie s netradičným modelom bolo okrem iného aj celkom vtipné. Najmä keď chrobák vzlietol a moja štvorročná dcérka si myslela, že ju naháňa. Utekala vtedy, čo jej sily stačili.
Ak by niekto vedel aký je názov tohoto chrobáka, môžte mi to napísať, budem vám vďačný.
Ďakujem, že ste si pozreli môj článok.
Mohl by to být https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/446693-Prionus-coriarius
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