"Love Begins Where You Find the Beauty"


Love is a flower that grows deep in the heart
When beauty is the soul, therefore, so love grows within
And when darkness is fuel for guardians of truth, then love prevails
And I'm just saved by the moon, washing all our fears away
I'm just saved by your face

There's a new wind blowing as I've never known
I'm breathing deeper than I've ever done
With my heart on fire, can you see the color shining through?
My eyes look brighter, I'm seeing things clearer

With every step that I take, I keep an eye out for the new things
It is like morning fresh and calm just after the rain
The more I let go and let love in,
The more beauty that's stealing me inside

Since love grows within, so beauty grows
Love gives our heart and it heals the mind
A healing love - is the best thing in our life.

