Making a bracelet for my Dear brother

Good day lovers of hive, how are you all doing today, hope all is well, mine is very well too and I'm so excited today because the day is so so bright, yesterday was so raining and i was feeling so cold and sleepy so as today gose so bright i dicided to keep myself busy by making something nice for my brother, so i will like to share with you all the steps that carry on making this bracelet.

I promise my brother that when ever i have chance i will make a bracelet for him, so since then he's been keeping on disturbing me, i told him i don't have money to buy the black and water color that he wanted, he said he give me money to buy it, giving me money is not the case but i feel so bad that i promise to make the bracelet for him and he wants to buy me the beads, i said to myself no, i will not collect the money rather he should give me some time to buy the beads, this morning he called me on the phone telling me he's coming today to collect the bracelet, well i accepted, after dropping my phone one of my neighbors came and gave me some money that i amaineded some clothes for her so i took the money and went and buy the beads, since he had told me the style he wanted, i now brought oit the beads with some material needed.

I cut out my fishing line to the size i want, then i inserted the bracelet hug on the middle of the fishing line and tightened up very strong.

After setting the hug i inserted two black beads on tue two sides of the fishing line.

After that i double the fishing together and inserted one water color.

Than i bemd it to the middle of the four black and passed the left side of the fishing line through the down part of the black beads to the upper side and o passed the right side of the fishing line to down part of the fishing line to tue upper side too, tuen o inter with one black.

Here is how step one looks like

After finishing with the first step i now inserted another two black beads on the left and right fishing line the i double the fishing line together and inserted one water bead color and bend it to the middle of the four black then i passed the left side of the fishing lime through the down part of the two black and i also passed the right side through the down part pf the two black beads to the upper side then interlocked with ome black.

I now took the same process step by steps by inserting the two black beads and double the fishing line then insert one water bead color and interlocked with one black beads.

Steps three

Step four

Step five

Step six

Step saven

Step eight

I now carried out the steps till the nine steps which is the last step then i tightened it up properly and fixed in the hug ring and tightened it very strongly.

** Here is the outcome of the bracelet**

The work done successfully and the bracelet came out so nicely, my brother will be so happy seeing this, i hope you like it.

Thanks so much for stopping by


Aww. We are sure your brother will love this bracelet. You picked the right colors for him. Being a guy, black and white is just perfect. It will compliment any of his outfits. Well done.


A very nice combination of accessories, but we have seen that it is a design that is repeated and not once but several times in different colors, please do not repeat the same designs, it is not a good practice.


Thanks so much for that, it will not repeat, thanks
