Nishola: The Melanin Goddess



This short narration happened between two university students. One was named Tope, a handsome, dark man, and the other, Nishola, a beautiful and dream lady tope met while he was about to leave the University.
It is a true-life event narrated from a witness's point of view.

Also, it is noteworthy to remember that people change with time, and the happenings in this book were some years ago.

Before you start judging whether the author or the characters will be in hell or heaven, take a trip back in memory lane to when you were free and didn't care about a thing.

Finally, I hope you will love this book a lot and give me feedback.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to read the story.

Chapter 1
How we met

The faculty of Management science at the University of Alimi had up to five departments, but tope was a student of Business Administration. Nishola, on the other hand, was a student of Accounting, a brother department in this faculty. The faculty is always a beehive of activities, with students thronging in and out every now and then. Personally, tope was not a fan of FMS because of the backbiting that always happens there.
Tope told me one day, "I have had my fair share, Kazeem". When I was in 100l, a group of holier-than-tho ladies said they don't know if we would cross to the next level because we hardly come to class. Such nonsense! Maybe they were right because out of seven (5 guys, 2 girls) of us who talk well in the department, only two of us made it to the next level.

Tope is one of those students that rarely stay in the class area. Even though he knows few people in his department, he's quite popular in the school. This can easily be explained as apart from being a student of Alimi University, he's a native of Alimi town, and it was said that people are connected somehow in this part of the world.
Tope uses most of his time in the Engineering walkways with his friends anytime there's no interesting lecture to attend. You know the reason he does that? Yes, you guessed right! To check out beautiful ladies and decide on the one he will ask out and clean his mouth like he used to. To him, schools are the best place to explore because real life is too serious to be chasing after ladies who mostly want a husband.

As a punishment for his ashewo (lustful) campaign, he hardly has a girl of his own. Just friends with benefits, but who cares? It's always about eating and hitting the couchie!

However, God works in miraculous ways. A friend got married in that kind of lifestyle tope and the rest of the crew lived.

Despite not staying around the faculty, tope was quite popular amongst folks, not as a scholar student--but as someone that could hold his own amongst them when it comes to intellectual discourse, and also, he was a very funny chap then. This writer admits tope is a jolly good fellow, and he can make the hardest of hearts melt with his smile.

It was in this way he met the beautiful, thick, melanin popping and summer body Nishola. Physically, God finished work on Nishola. Her boobs well rounded and big like a well-grown watermelon that spent the complete days at the farm. Her petit figure reminds one of a growing Flaky Ididowo, the Nollywood screen diva with everything a Nigerian girl dreams of having.

God, words can't aptly describe how Nishola was. Dark, suave, intelligent, rich, religious with a whole lot of freaky ways and a soft heart who only needs love and attention. But she knows how to mask it all, just like the average Nigerian girl.

Tope bumped into Nishola at one of those evening lectures of Dr. Khalifah Baruba, now à full-fledged professor. This writer doesn't remember the course code, but it was all about entrepreneurship.
When I sat with tope for this story, he kept smiling, and I asked, why? He said, "Kazeem, in my wildest dreams, I didn't know I was enough as a guy for sola" I saw myself as a bad boy, but sola was a bigger fish, a lady way beyond my reach." Happenings later in this book will point to why Tope feels this way. But folks, don't ever think you can't get a lady.

To be continued

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