A simple but delicious breakfast at my house.


Hello, I don't have school this morning. I'm in the Thai kitchen with mom as usual. Today I'm in Malaysia. Mom is cooking a simple meal. Today it's a simple Thai menu. Mom, I'm making mushroom curry for you to eat. Yes, for the mushroom curry, I will use mushrooms that are sold at the supermarket near my house. There will be golden needle mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms, large golden needle mushrooms, and acacia vegetables, I use as much as I have. Another menu item. One thing is stir-fried spicy chicken. Mom likes to eat it. I also like to eat spicy stir-fried chicken with hot steamed rice. It's very delicious. Take the curry paste and stir-fry it in hot oil, then add the chicken and season to your liking. When the chicken starts to cook, we Put in long beans, add chopped kaffir lime leaves, and that's it, you have a spicy stir-fried chicken to eat with hot steamed rice. As for the mushroom curry, add lemongrass and small shallots, pound them finely, then put them in a little boiled water. Once the water boils, add a little tamarind to increase the sourness, then add mushrooms and add a little fermented fish according to my mother's recipe. Let everything be cooked together, then add fish sauce and seasoning powder, just add the leaves. Add the acacia and you're done for the mushroom curry. Acacia vegetables in Thailand have a delicious taste, but some people may not like to eat them because they have a bit of a strong smell. But Thai people like to eat them. The more you fry them, Add eggs because hot frying is very delicious. Today I greeted my friends with my mother's home-style Thai food.
