[Eng+Spa] Day 921: Simon Wiesenthal dies + Día 921: Muere Simon Wiesenthal

His life was not about revenge, but about justice, about putting the accounts in order.
Su vida no se trataba de venganza, sino de justicia, de poner las cuentas en orden.

Simon Wiesenthal (1908-2005)
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Source - https://pro-chislo.ru/921
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Today is Tuesday, day 921 since #Venezuela declared the beginning of the #quarantine due to the #COVID-19 #pandemic, a long quarantine that has not yet been officially lifted, but currently most of the population seems to pay no attention to it. I am at home, and I am in a relative calm, despite the cloudy weather and the rain recently, I still have electricity and that is already a reason to give thanks to heaven for its mercy, because things fail too often here Anyway, I'm fine, and I want things to remain calm.

I was reviewing the topics of #History to record the day and I found an obituary ephemeris, it is about the death of Simon Wiesenthal, born in Buczacz (current #Ukraine) at the beginning of the 20th century. He had studied architecture and was working in Lviv (then Poland, today Ukraine) until the Soviets invaded the territory, as part of the agreement between the #USSR and the #Nazis to divide up #Poland, when the non-aggression pact was still in force between Hitler's Third Reich and Stalin's Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

He escaped with his family, but was captured by the Nazis in Czechoslovakia in 1941, after that he survived 4 Concentration and Extermination Camps:

  1. Janowska concentration camp (late 1941 to September 1944)
  2. Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp (from September to October 1944
  3. Gross-Rosen concentration camp (November 1944 to January 1945)
  4. Mauthausen concentration camp (February to May 5, 1945)
With that, I would have some respect for him, because surviving not in one hell, but in four different hells is something that I do not imagine myself capable of doing.

But what makes me remember him is not this, it is about what happened later, when he was released by the allies in 1945 from the last prison camp he was in, he collaborated with the War Crimes Section reviewing documents and interviewing prisoners of the Gestapo. But it was not enough for him, years later he co-founded the Center for Jewish Historical Documentation in Linz, trying to help survivors locate their relatives or trying to locate the remains, at least trying to find out what became of the people who disappeared without leaving a trace or corpse. This was in addition to his tireless pursuit of locating those responsible for wartime cruelties and atrocities by Nazi forces.

On one occasion, I heard an interview they did for a documentary about his life and he explained that at the beginning of his hunt, he earned a title in the press that he was a 'Hunter of Germans', in post-war #Europe, in full reconstruction with the Marshall Plan, there were localities where that was not very pleasant. He was collecting information in a rural town, and although ordinary people had strong resentment against the Third Reich, it happens that many people where he was investigated had some German relative or German ancestry, at least that caused discomfort. The chief of police talked to him about it and told about the concern of the people, so he explained that he was not hunting Germans, he was hunting Nazis and more specifically #criminal Nazis, War Criminals, with that the chief of police spoke with his staff, they talked to their families, and it ended up being that the entire community collaborated to track down people who had passed through there and who fit the descriptions of the criminals that Wiesenthal was looking for.

That anecdote and its clarification, is what always caused me admiration, it was not about hatred against a nationality, it was not a blind revenge against a people, it was a simple accounting balance problem, it was trying to put the accounts in order, something which to a large extent I can consider #justice.

Well, that would be all for the record of the day, honor to the memory of a hunter, peace to the remains of the departed, and long life prosperous and abundant for those of us who remain on this earth. I wish you well and that we can read each other another time.
Hoy es martes, día 921 desde que en #Venezuela se declaró el inicio de la #cuarentena por la #pandemia de #Covid19, una larga cuarentena que aún no se ha levantado de manera oficial, pero que en la actualidad la mayor parte de la población pareciera no hacerle ningún caso. Estoy en casa y estoy en una clama relativa, a pesar del clima nublado y de la lluvia de hace poco, aún tengo servicio eléctrico y eso ya es motivo de dar gracia al cielo por su misericordia, porque acá es demasiado frecuente que las cosas fallen, en fin, que estoy bien y deseo que las cosas sigan en calma.

Revisaba los temas de #Historia para hacer el registro del día y me encontré con una efeméride de obituario, se trata de la muerte de Simon Wiesenthal, nacido en Buczacz (actual #Ucrania) a principios del Siglo XX. Había estudiado arquitectura y estaba trabajando en Leópolis (por entonces Polonia, hoy Ucrania) hasta que los soviéticos invadieron el territorio, como parte del acuerdo entre la #URSS y los #Nazis para repartirse #Polonia, cuando aún estaba vigente el pacto de no agresión entre el Tercer Reich de Hitler y la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas de Stalin.

Él escapó con su familia, pero fue capturado por los nazis en Checoslovaquia en 1941, luego de eso sobrevivió a 4 Campos de Concentración y Exterminio:

  1. Campo de concentración de Janowska (fines de 1941 a septiembre de 1944)
  2. Campo de concentración de Kraków-Płaszów (de septiembre a octubre de 1944
  3. campo de concentración de Gross-Rosen (noviembre de 1944 a enero de 1945)
  4. Campo de concentración de Mauthausen (de febrero a 5 de mayo de 1945)
Ya con eso yo le tendría algo de respeto, porque sobrevivir no en un infierno, sino en cuatro infiernos distintos es algo que yo no me imagino capaz de hacer.

Pero lo que me hace recordarlo no es esto, se trata de lo que pasó después, al ser liberado por los aliados en 1945 del último campo de prisioneros en que estuvo, colaboró con la Sección de Crímenes de Guerra revisando documentos y entrevistando a prisioneros de la Gestapo. Pero no le bastó, años después cofundó el Centro de Documentación Histórica Judía en Linz, tratando de ayudar a los sobrevivientes a localizar a sus parientes o tratando de ubicar los restos, al menos tratar de averiguar que fue de las personas que desaparecieron sin dejar ni un cadáver. Esto se sumó a su búsqueda incansable por localizar a los responsables de las crueldades y atrocidades durante la guerra por parte de las fuerzas nazis.

En una ocasión, escuché una entrevista que le hicieron para un documental sobre su vida y él explicaba que al inicio de su cacería, se ganó un título en la prensa de que era un 'Cazador de Alemanes', en la #Europa de la postguerra, en plena reconstrucción con el Plan Marshall, había localidades en donde eso no era muy grato. Él estaba recopilando información en una localidad rural, y si bien la gente común tenía fuerte resentimiento contra el Tercer Reich, sucede que mucha gente donde él estaba investigado tenía algún pariente alemán o ascendencia germana, por lo menos, eso causaba incomodidad. El jefe de policía habló con él al respecto y contó sobre la preocupación de la gente, así que él explicó que no estaba cazando alemanes, estaba cazando Nazis y más específicamente Nazis criminales, Criminales de Guerra, con eso el jefe de policía hablo con su personal, ellos hablaron con sus familias y terminó pasando que la comunidad en pleno prestó colaboración para rastrear gente que había pasado por allí y que encajaban en las descripciones de los #criminales que estaba buscando Wiesenthal.

Esa anécdota y su aclaratoria, es lo que me causó siempre admiración, no se trataba de odio contra una nacionalidad, no era una venganza ciega contra un pueblo, era un simple problema de balance contable, era tratar de poner las cuentas en orden, algo que en buena medida puedo considerar #justicia.

Bien, eso sería todo por el registro del día, honor a la memoria de un cazador, paz a los restos de los difuntos y larga vida prospera y abundante para los que seguimos en esta tierra. Te deseo que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer en otra oportunidad.


Esta publicación, en la #blockchain #Hive, está en la comunidad We Are Alive Tribe, es parte del #IAmAliveChallenge

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Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.

This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

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Wow that Simon fellow sure went through it and had an interesting life thanks for sharing have the greatest day @pedrobrito2004 😎
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

hboh (250 × 250 px).png


Thanks for commenting, I was very surprised by a documentary about him, made in the 80s, so I decided to make the comment of his life when I saw that today is the anniversary of his death.

He really had a hectic life, but he found meaning in hunting down criminals and trying to close pending cases.



He survived four concentration camps? Wow, this is one tough dude!


Yes, it really is the story of a strong man who went through hell. There weren't many of them during the war...


Really, he must have been a tough man, I remember that I learned about him from the 80s documentary that was made for the 40th anniversary of the end of the World War, and they touched on the topic of the hunt for war criminals who had escaped, it is in this activity that Simon stood out and was an international reference.



After all the survival.
He went in to bring justice, which is not easily balanced.
That's brave of him.
This history is interesting.


I also found his story interesting, that's why I remember him and I chose his ephemeris for the record of the day :)



That's good and interesting.
Good job.


What a brave life he lived.
It's really not easy to bring justice in the face of corruption and challenges.


Yes, he lived a complicated, hectic and somewhat beaten life. But after all those problems of the war and the risk of dying in any of those prison camps, I think that he was really brave in trying to hunt down the criminals who had managed to escape, that is never easy and it takes courage.



Serious, it's not easy and truly takes a lot of courage.
He is brave.


Thanks for sharing this story. Stay safe during the pandemic.


Thank you for stopping by to read and comment, also stay safe with this pandemic that has been going on for so long.



Wow, what a great history. Thanks for sharing this with us.


Thanks for reading my post and commenting.

Certainly I found the idea interesting to share and hence I chose it for the record of the day :)



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