[Eng+Spa] Day 905: Electrical Service Returned + Día 905: Regresó el Servicio Eléctrico

Brief description of the daily life in the personal quarantine.
Breve descripción de la cotidianidad en la cuarentena personal.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Source - https://pro-chislo.ru/905
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

After 17 hours without electricity, today the electricity service returned, that is something that makes my day, in #Venezuela it is "normal" to have power outages or data signals for the Internet, it is also something very common that you do not have piped drinking water service, failure of fuel distribution for public and private transportation, as well as everything else. It is quite "normal" that if one has a medical emergency, one finds that a public hospital is out of medical supplies or staff.

Despite all this, we continue trying to stay afloat, work with what we have at hand and take advantage of every minute the services are working to get work done, always with the sword of Damocles hanging over us, that is, always keeping in mind that we don't know how long the services we need are going to work and running to do everything as fast as possible while something can be done.

It is a situation that can be a bit stressful, but with everything and this mess, the population tries to keep their spirits up as much as possible, everything to stay afloat. Despite these attempts that one makes to move forward, it cannot be denied that the rates of suicides, cases of depression, mental problems and migration have increased compared to previous years, all this indicates that we do not always have the success that we want in This thing of surviving in this country against all the adversity that arises.

In short, I know that everyone has problems, there are wars, famines, labor exploitation and many other unpleasant and terrible things in different parts of the world, but that does not mean that we do not dislike the particular bad situation that we live in, although it is true that in my case I am better off than 75% of my national population according to the national survey of living conditions, it turns out that I fall into what is considered poor, since I am barely in an income range that allows me to survive, but not save for a future, so I live day to day and without being able to make a retirement fund for when I get old or have savings in case an emergency or illness arises, that also worries me, but one has to continue, it will be time to see how one survives if it occurs one of those situations. That also explains why social networks are filled with requests for help, for Charity, fundraising campaigns for medical treatment and the like. It can be depressing, especially when it happens that there are many people who need help and little capacity to provide it.

Well, changing the tone a bit, it's Sunday, day 905 since we started this #quarantine situation in my country due to the #COVID-19 #pandemic, I'm at home and I don't plan to go out, we just managed to cook, and now I try to see if I have any work that I can get on the computer. The weekend is supposed to be a rest, but here with the stress of failures and the need to generate economic income, resting is a luxury that I can't give myself much :)

Okay, it's time to leave the record of the day until here, I wish you well and that we can read each other another time.
Luego de 17 horas sin electricidad, hoy regresó el servicio eléctrico, eso es algo que me alegra el día, en #Venezuela es normal tener cortes del servicio eléctrico o de las señales de datos para Internet, también es algo muy común que no se tenga servicio de agua potable por tubería, que falle la distribución de combustible para transporte público y privado, así como todo lo demás. Es bastante "normal" que si uno tiene una emergencia médica, uno encuentre que un hospital público esté carente de insumos médicos y de personal.

A pesar de todo eso, seguimos tratando de seguir a flote, trabajar con lo que tenemos a mano y aprovechar cada minuto en que funcionan los servicios para sacar trabajo, siempre con la espada de Damocles colgando sobre nosotros, es decir, siempre teniendo claro que no sabemos durante cuanto tiempo van a funcionar los servicios que necesitamos y corriendo para hacer todo lo más rápido que se puede mientras se puede hacer algo.

Es una situación que puede resultar un poco estresante, pero con todo y este lío, la población trata de mantener el ánimo en lo que puede, todo para seguir a flote. A pesar de estos intentos que uno hace para seguir adelante, no se puede negar que las tasas de suicidios, casos de depresión, problemas mentales y migración han aumentado con respecto a años anteriores, todo esto señala que no siempre tenemos el éxito que queremos en esto de sobrevivir en este país contra toda la adversidad que se presenta.

En fin, sé que todo el mundo tiene problemas, hay guerras, hambrunas, explotación laboral y otras muchas cosas desagradables y terribles en distintas partes del mundo, pero eso no quita que nos desagrade la mala situación particular que vivimos, si bien es cierto que en mi caso estoy mejor que el 75% de mi población nacional según la encuesta nacional de condiciones de vida, resulta que caigo en lo que se considera pobre, pues estoy apenas en un rango de ingresos que me permite sobrevivir, pero no ahorrar para un futuro, así que vivo al día y sin poder hacer un fondo de retiro para cuando envejezca o tener un ahorro por si surge una emergencia o enfermedad, eso también preocupa, pero uno tiene que seguir, ya tocará luego ver como se sobrevive si se presenta una situación de esas. Eso también explica por qué las redes sociales se llenan de solicitudes de ayuda, campañas de recolección de fondos para tratamientos médicos y cosas similares. Puede resultar deprimente, más cuando sucede que hay mucha gente que necesita ayuda y poca capacidad para brindarla.

Bueno, ya cambiando un poco la tónica, es domingo, día 905 desde que comenzamos esta situación de #Cuarentena en mi país por la #pandemia de #Covid19, estoy en casa y no tengo pensado salir, acabamos de lograr cocinar y ahora trato de ver si tengo algún trabajo que pueda sacar en la computadora. Se supone que el fin de semana es de descanso, pero acá con el estrés de las fallas y la necesidad de generar ingresos económicos, eso de descansar es un lujo que no puedo darme mucho :)

Okay, toca dejar el registro del día hasta aquí, te deseo que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer en otra oportunidad.


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This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

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Sorry you have been without electrictiy so long that must have been extremely disruptive hope things improve for you my friend have a blessed New week ahead
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

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It's a great skill to be able to work with what you have. But it would be better to have everything!
Have a nice day!


Certainly having all the resources you want to be able to work is optimal :)

In this land, we have an old saying that says: "You have to cover yourself as far as the blanket reaches." It has to do with an idea of accepting the limitations that one has to achieve what one wants to do, and working with those available resources to the extent possible.

In recent times, many people around here have had to forcefully understand the profound meaning of this saying, because sometimes they have to work with very limited resources and with the clock ticking down. An experience that was called elsewhere "A march of death"

I did not understand why a programmer friend used that phrase, but he clarified that he got used to using that phrase as he always had to run to meet the deliveries before the DeadLine of each project, plus it seems to be a common phrase in that field of work.



"You have to cover yourself as far as the blanket reaches."
"A march of death"

Yes, those are very striking phrases, perhaps I should remember that! 😅 !LOLZ


Hello friend, am glad to hear that your Power has been restored after 17hrs. Sometimes things like that happen and it is our ability to cope with those unfortunate events that matter. Keep having good spirit even when things don't go the way we wat them in life.


Thanks for comment. That of maintaining good humor and spirits as high as possible is a necessary thing around here.

In recent times, daily situations are not very promising of good things, the unstoppable decline of the economy and the unstoppable destruction of the economic apparatus (industrial and commercial) of my country, suggests that the future is quite unfavorable.

So it's time to try to get some good humor out of where you can and keep yourself afloat while living one day at a time.



It is quite "normal" that if one has a medical emergency, one finds that a public hospital is out of medical supplies or staff.

It is really unfortunate, and we have come to accept it as normal.
Shame!!! What our country and daily life is becoming.

You have said it all, in a very enlightening way. If only things can be better rather than becoming worst.
If only


Thanks for comment. I certainly wish that all this improves for all of us.

This thing about statistical normality is simply accepting that the features that are repeated the most is what is considered "normal", but that does not imply that it is right, in fact, this normality of a system with so many flaws is something unacceptable.



Glad you got your power back. Life is difficult these days without power.


Certainly it is not easy to be without basic services, and the lack of electricity is serious for life and work in this 21st century that I live.



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Hang in there, I know the situation isn't great but some of the best opportunities present in not so great situations. !ALIVE
