🇬🇧|🇪🇸 Being a Mother does not annul a Woman 💫

Undoubtedly the stage of motherhood is one of the most beautiful that any woman can experience, giving life, going through different stages of changes both physically and hormonally.

Sin duda alguna la etapa de la maternidad es una de las más bonitas que puede experimentar cualquier mujer, dar vida, pasar por diferentes etapas de cambios tanto física como hormonalmente.

InShot_20220718_185238313.jpgRowan Kyle. Unsplash

Can I be a mom without forgetting to be a woman?.

¿Puedo ser mamá sin olvidarme de ser mujer?

I believe that children are a wonderful loan, they are an impulse and a unique stage that any woman lives.

Creo que los hijos son un préstamo maravilloso, son un impulso y una etapa única que vive cualquier mujer.

However we must understand that it is a law of life that they grow up and have to leave, the empty nest I once heard it said.

Sin embargo debemos entender que es ley de vida que crezcan y deban marcharse, el nido vacío una vez lo escuché que le dicen.

I believe that if a woman is well, everyone around her will be well, and I am referring to the family, that is why we must be clear that we are women first and foremost. It is somewhat difficult because I understand that society sometimes has stereotypes where we are responsible for maintaining the home, raising children and that is overwhelming. We need to understand that we may feel like being alone, or want to change the routine of home for office work, that sometimes we feel the need to dress up but we see it all fade away because of fatigue or simply lack of time.

Creo que sí la mujer está bien todos a su alrededor lo estarán y me refiero a la familia, por eso debemos tener claro que antes que todo somos mujeres. Es un tanto difícil porque la sociedad entiendo que en ocasiones tiene estereotipos donde somos las responsables de mantener el hogar, criar a los niños y eso es abrumador. Necesitamos entender que podemos sentir ganas de estar solas, o de querer cambiar la rutina del hogar por trabajo de oficina, que en ocasiones sentimos la necesidad de arreglarnos pero todo lo vemos desvanecerse por el cansancio o simplemente la falta de tiempo.

Have you ever felt it?

¿Lo has sentido?

Plans, projects and goals should never be abandoned. Maybe pause them if you are tired or want to focus on a certain moment to fully enjoy the first years of life of your little ones.

Nunca se deben abandonar los planes, proyectos y objetivos. Quizás pausarlos si estás cansada o quieres enfocarte en cierto momento para disfrutar a plenitud de los primeros años de vida de tus pequeños.



Give yourself a chance and do what you are passionate about, share time with your friends, give yourself time for yourself. I once met a woman who every once in a while went to spend a weekend in a nice place, she left her daughter those days and took them to enjoy herself with her things and what she liked to do, and that did not mean that she did not love her little girl or did not make her less of a mother.

Date oportunidad y has lo que te apasiona, comparte tiempo con tus amig@s, regálate tiempo para ti. En una oportunidad conocí a una mujer que cada cierto tiempo se iba a pasar un fin de semana a un lindo lugar, dejaba a su hija esos días y los tomaba para disfrutarlos ella con sus cosas con lo que le gustaba hacer y eso no significaba que no quisiera a su pequeña o no la hacía menos madre.

I wish my mom would have given herself the opportunity, once she separated from my dad she only dedicated herself to my brother and me, we are both adults now and I see my mom still young, I feel that she could be enjoying what she is passionate about, she is calm and I think she is content with that, my perspective is different I think that if we keep active we can live to the fullest, happy. New ideas come up that drive you, life is to live it and when it is our turn to leave this plane we will rest but while we have the opportunity to live we have to do it to the fullest.

Me hubiera gustado que mi mamá se hubiese dado la oportunidad, una vez que se separó de mi papá solo se dedicó a mi hermano y a mi, ya ambos somos adultos y veo aún joven a mi mamá, siento que pudiera estar disfrutando de lo que le apasiona, ella está tranquila y creo que se ha conformado con eso, mi perspectiva es diferente pienso que si nos mantenemos activas podemos vivir a plenitud, felices. Surgen nuevas ideas que te impulsan la vida es para vivirla ya cuando nos toque partir de este plano descansaremos pero mientras tengamos la oportunidad de vivir hay que hacerlo a plenitud.

Keeping active makes us learn new things every day and undoubtedly makes us powerful women.

Mantenernos activas hace que cada día obtengamos aprendizajes nuevos e indudablemente nos hace mujeres poderosas.

Maybe this looks very simple but I am sure that more than one woman needs to be reminded of it or maybe read it, having a support space or a tribe where we can express our points of view is vital, we function as a support network and that is rewarding.

Quizás esto se vea muy simple pero estoy segura que más de una mujer necesita que se lo recuerden o quizás leerlo, tener un espacio de apoyo o una tribu donde podamos plasmar puntos de vista es vital, funcionamos como una red de apoyo y eso es gratificante.

Have you abandoned the woman for being a mother?

¿Has abandonado a la mujer por ser madre?

¡Saludos mPB!

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Thank you for this.. You have said it all.

I wish my mom would have an opportunity to do this.. She devoted herself to my siblings and I.

Every woman should take time out for this, just for their own peace and mental state


Totally, we should all take care of ourselves as individuals, we would feel happy, there is so much we can contribute as women to society. We are unique and perfect and it is not a cliché.


Hi @pcojines, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this platform. You represent many of us reflection through it.


Thanks to you for taking the time to read and join me in this writing that aims to unite us and give a little strength to all women.


Thanks for sharing your thought, @pcojines !
Take care 🌺🤙
