Testing out the new cool cards... and a giveaway break

In this week's Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge, the prompt is to share our experience with the new promo cards. These cards won't appear in packs, they can only be found in the in-game shop, in the Legends tab; and the name fits, since they are awesome! I only have one of them, and it's one with a new awesome ability: Cleanse rearguard! Cleasing a card in the back position is a game changer in some rulesets for sure. Meet Sanctus Vicar :

And I happened to stumble on a perfect ruleset to try this card out (my first time using it!), in the battle I'm showcasing here:

Three rulesets here:
- Noxious fumes: all cards start the battle poisoned
- Born again: all cards have rebirth
- Taking sides: no neutral cards can be used
The first ruleset noxuius fumes is perfect for this card; only the water splinter was available, and fortunately Sanctus Vicar is a fire/water card, so it was a must-try scenario!
The rebirth meant that although all cards started poisoned, after rebirth the poison was gone; the bad news is they reborn with only 1 HP. Being able to cleanse the backline meant extra longevity!
My strategy and lineup:
- Keyla as the summoner: the mana for the battle wasn't that big, and a shield and speed would be handy here.
- Torrent fiend as tank: just a cannon fodder to buy time for my attackers
- Djinn Oshannus: main attacker
- Merdaali Guardian: strong support card; besides, after rebirth of the tanks, being able to heal and provide armour could be game-changing
- Sanctus Vicar: well, rearguard cleanse! And 2 ranged attacker for a little more damage.
- Merdhampir: the life leech ability could probably keep him alive even poisoned; good damage dealer
- Igor Darkspear: Not a huge damage, but the stun ability is handy
My opponent went for a similar strategy: oshannus starting in front, being cleansed by thr river nymph. He chose Sanctus too, followed by venari wavesmith for extra damage and shields, and placed the fiend in the backrow; probably expecting sneak attacks, which is a common strategy with this summoner.
How did the battle went?

The first round naturally saw my fiend killed, but served its purpose; mid round 2, my oshannus was haging strong still with armor and doding some attacks. And by the end of the round, it's Sanctus that delivers the first killing blow on the opponent's oshannus!

And as round 3 starts and a lot of cards die and rebirth, even though my oshannus was still poisoned he still had 5 HP remaining, and clears the opponents oshannus for good!

From there, all the opponent's cards had very low HP, and as the round went by, river nymph was also gone, leaving a helpless vicar on the front row, and only the wavesmith as a damage dealer: the battle was as good as won!

You can see the entire battle here!
Lessions learned? Vicar is an awesome card, and even better than I had antecipated: if you check the battle, you'll see that not only he cleanses igor darkspear, on the following round he ALSO cleanses merdhamphir! I assumed he only cleansed the card in the backrow, but as it seems, if the backrow cards has no ill effects, he will also clean the cards after his position that have some cleansable effect, which is amazing!! Definitely a must have!
By the way, if you haven't joined a guild yet and you're a dedicated player, our guild Roaring Twenties is at level 10! If you're thinking about joining in, you can check the info on the guild page, or reach us on discord here to discuss membership!

As for the giveaways...
I've been doing them for a long time. Years! I've met hiveans in real life that remembered me because of them, and even reconnected with others on hive because they used to participate on them in the steemit era! So they will always be special for me. But currently, I feel less and less motivated to continue them, and don't want the burden of mandatory posting to keep them regularly as they have been until now: as an example, this post should have been made more than two weeks ago! So for now... they will go on a break. If permanent or not, or returning in a more sporadic way, that remains to be seen. For now, I just want to leave you with a HUGE thanks for all the usual and not so usual names that have been joining them for all these years; I hope your collections are at leat a tiny bit better now. You guys (and gals) rock!
So, and who won this last giveaway?

See you on the battlefield! 😉

Still haven't joined Splinterlands? In what planet do you live in? Click the banner below and join the fun! (It has my referral link; you can go directly to the website if you don't want to use it; either way... join in! 😎 )

Wow that new card rocks. I haven't bought any yet. But maybe I should reconsider 🤔
as for the giveaway, it was from another era... when followers and reblogs and upvotes were a different thing.

You definitely should! I've been testing her a bit, and in poison rulesets is awesome! It cleanses every card after its position and even itself! As for the giveaways... uff, a lot could be said; but trust me, followers or upvotes weren't part of the decision. It would help to see measures to actually make the game accessible to a broader audience.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Thanks for stopping by!