The flight of Sacred Ibis birds.

Oh yes we struggle with the power cuts and the weird weather over here, but beauty is still abundant.
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The Ibis birds are of the neatest in flight, even though mankind has changed them into garbage hunters, by robbing them of their territories.

Adored in ancient Egypt as sacred birds, the modern times have reduced them to scrap hunters. So similar to our own lives, as in early times one's word was gold and respect for others was at a prime. Nowadays respect has ended up in the dustbins of life.
So I am always reminded of this when I see the sacred ibis birds.

Legs held neatly together to streamline the bodies in flight.
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And then they were gone.

Wish me luck, as I know what time they come over and I might get them on camera flying over the face of the moon. Imagine how nice a "V" shape of flying birds would look with the moon in the background.

Finally just a late goose on his way home for supper (in trouble with his wife again) :)

Anything can happen in the skies here and one has to be on a 24/7 alert when one is out in nature. Or at home for that matter, as most times there is something going on. I put my camera on and keep it on my lap in the car when we leave our house in our car and I have taken many photos over time from inside the car. The frustrating thing is when one is out in dense traffic and a beautiful eagle comes soaring over at roof height. No camera can get that guy and I call the misses for my eyes only to see.
Most of the other drivers are either chatting away on their phones or doing their make-up in the rear-view mirrors :)
Such is life.

I hope that you have enjoyed the photos and the story.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


Bin chickens! That's what we call them here.


Hi big guy and just to think that once upon a time these birds were revered.
Now turned into bin chickens.

A good night to you from South Africa 😊

