Gradual changes.

I want to show you the gradual changes of a set view into sunset.

The clouds had just cleared the moon, and it was late afternoon.

So, the idea came to me as I stood in our front garden, to take some shots from set scene to show you the progress and the changes of the view as the sun went down. I try my best to do quality posts of nature and some other views in in our life here, and over times it has served me well. The thing is that hive has become a place where I can share my passions, and where I can release my stresses resulting from the work that we do at Papillon.
So come and watch the process of this sunset.

I selected this tree below as the set target, and if you watch the position of the sun peeping through it in the following photos, you will see how the set sky view changes.



Then the sun was done, and below the colors started to appear. I fortunately have a lot of patience, drilled into me by the many days that, as I child, my mom often banned me to my room for the day. This was usually due to one or another misdemeanor, and the long waits instilled patience in me, that is a great benefit to me now in later life :))







Then the sky darkened, and the views were done. Just so it is in life as everything has an end. Since birth, we pass through phases in our lives, and I prefer to call them chapters. Just like in a book, every chapter closes, and we start a new one, never giving thought to the end. This is when our apple cart is overturned, as we carry on as if we have eternal life here on this earth. Most fear the chapter of the end, so they ban it from their minds.
Recklessly we fly through life, grabbing at everything that we can get and to show how important we are, but in reality we are all destined, and dragged towards the last chapter in our lives.
Now I don't mean to make this a dark story, as we all have an abundance of light in our lives, but it is what we do with it that counts.
Something to think about.

I hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting this post.


I love it!! I also use to get lost in this sutil changes in the sky, that really create a different scenery!

Thanks a lot for sharing! I really enjoyed your pictures!
