At the heart of the new storm.

I stepped outside to make an unbelievable video of the storm strength.

And I have included the video in this post.

But first some more information about the latest cold front that landed here yesterday.

Gale-force winds cause structural damage in Cape Town

This follows an Orange Level 6 warning for damaging winds and a Level 2 warning for disruptive rain by the South African Weather Service (Saws) on Monday.
This, as a cold front makes landfall across the Western Cape on Tuesday.
The weather service said rainfall accumulations in the western parts of the province are expected to be 10 to 20mm, reaching 35 to 50mm in the mountainous areas of the Cape Winelands, City of Cape Town.
Strong north-westerly winds of 60 to 80km/h, gusting from 80 to 100km/h along the coast and high waves of between 4m and 8m between Lambert’s Bay and Plettenberg Bay are expected from Tuesday to until Thursday.
Wind speed is expected to range between 90 and 120kph


And to crown it all, we just heard on the radio that some power lines were blown over near the town of Stanford.


As soon as we saw a gap in the rain, we popped down to the river, and here's the missus greeting everyone.

Oh yes, just as I thought, as the river was cascading off the mountain at full force. This was at the mountain side of a bridge that I was standing on.

And here below was the other side of the bridge.


We kept an eye on the weather and the sky was quickly clouding over again.

Finally, it started to rain, and we had to get home.

We really have had some devastating storms here over our winter rainy period, as damages were created by every one of the cold fronts that landed here. All of the winter rainfall records were busted, and some old records were also doubled with the quantities of rain poured down. Some dams even burst their walls, and great floods were the results. The ground is already saturated by all of the water, and so the additional rainfalls are turned into floods. Of course, the gale force winds are also to blame for some major disasters that just added to the melee. They say that climate change will create extremes in all weather in each season, so more rain, more drought, more heat, storms with more severity, and so on. We, as humans, have brought it all on ourselves in how we have not been good stewards of the earth and nature.
Such is life.

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting this post.


Damn when I was in SA last year in the summer time it was already every now and then quite brutal weather. But this is something else. Especially the winds of the bays are more than brutal.

Stay safe over there! Landslides and mudstreams aint no joke!


Serious business in the heavens around here, and so many reckon that this is the worst that we ever had. Damages all over the news and even a shopping center lost its roof yesterday. Thankfully we are near the mountains, about 6 kilometers from the sea front, so we are fairly safe. It is all those in the low-lying areas that we are worried about. But we pray and we help where we can.



Howdy to you and the Missus! Those storms are awesome in their strength, we get hurricanes here and to a lesser extent tornados. They are the masters of the universe during the time they roll over and nothing one can do but wait it out. Stay safe out there!


Greeting also to you Tammy, and thank you for popping in. We have seen the damages that tornados can create, as we recently had two in the KZN province. Hurricanes we do not have, but being very near to the wild Atlantic Ocean, anything can happen.
You take care over there, and I am sorry that you also have to face those storms.



See the three...
Thats quite some power the winds got...

What a storm 😂😂
