A quick coffee stop over.

Time is not on our side, as thus far this week things are going a bit crazy.

The sun and clouds were also playing tricks on us, as one moment it was light and the next it was dark.

That is what a strong wind does, as it chases the clouds over to block the sunlight, and the weatherman reckons that in the next two days, the wind will top 39kpm. The good thing about it, is that the wind cools the temperatures and the bad thing is that we must hope that there are no more new wildfires. I was lucky to see some birds of prey up in the sky, so come and let's have a look at them.

See what I mean about the light and dark. Really not a photographer's dream, but I persevered.

At first I thought they were Harrier Hawks, but not to be, as the double white lines in their tails were not there.

So either a pair of eagles, or falcons.


Finally, they went into a dive, and they must have spotted some prey.

Really bad light for photos as they left to go back.

This below was later at our home.

That grey cloud looked like a horse to me.

And then it changed to look like an elephant casting a bale of straw up into the air with its trunk.

A strong train of cloud was on its way inland.

I have to grab at what I can get in the sky and I can tell you that I had to delete many photos due to blurring in the conditions. It's not like studio lights where one can set perfect lights for one's shots, as this is nature, and with the bad weather lately, I can be happy that I at least got something to share with you. Right now, the sky is dark, and we might get some rain this afternoon. The water will be welcome, as it can help to quell the last embers of the fires.

Dark and light, hot and cold, windy and still, wet and dry, cloudy and sunny. We need the opposites for balance in our weather. If we want the warmth of summer, we have to have the cool of winter. If we want the still, dry, sunny days, we have to endure the windy, rainy, cloudy ones. It is the same with life, as you all know. We have to walk through the troubles and run through the difficulties, to be able to bathe in the peace-filled, pleasant, easy-going days. Would we appreciate the good days if we didn't first have to slog through the tough ones? How else would we build character? And how else could we understand and help others, if we ourselves didn't first walk through the dark days? It is how it must be. May we be given power, and strength, and wisdom, and endurance for the days ahead, and may we use what we learn to help others in some big or small way.

I hope you have enjoyed the story and the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting this post.


Stunning shots. I thought they were going to engage in an aerial fight.



The pictures, the story...were all exquisite. The beauty of the dark is that it gives us the chance to appreciate the light.


Thank you and well said here. Nature holds many valuable lessons.

