Air: An Anime Full of Drama ~ [Spa-Eng]



This post is in Spanish and English. You can go to the post in English by clicking HERE

ย  Saludos Otakus de la Comunidad de @theanimerealm. Hoy quiero hablarles acerca de uno de los animรฉs mรกs dramรกticos y tristes que he visto, se trata de Air, una serie cargada de mitos, leyendas, seres alados, posesiones, recuerdos genรฉticos, emociones profundas relacionadas con temas familiares y un cuervo.


ย  Air es una serie de animรฉ producto de una novela grรกfica que saliรณ en el 2000. Esta serie cuenta con 13 episodios y una pelรญcula. Desarrolla la historia de un chico llamado Yukito quien llega a un pueblito olvidado de Japรณn que literalmente estรก desapareciendo porque no tiene casi habitantes y pues รฉl llega a ese lugar con el fin de buscar una Doncella Alada, del cual su madre le contรณ tantas historias basadas en mitos y leyendas japonesas.

ย  Llegando a ese pueblo se topa con la hermosa Misuzu, una chica super linda y super torpe que se tropieza por cualquier cosa, lo que la hace quererla mรกs ya que es como si estuviera hecha de inocencia en pasta.


ย  Como es de esperarse, Misuzu cuenta con otras amigas que, a mi parecer, me resultaron bastante misteriosas y extraรฑas. Cada una tiene sus detalles que a medida que avanza la historia se irรกn mostrando. Cabe destacar que a estos personajes en general les suceden cosas muy extraรฑas. Que se podrรญa decir que son producto de los antepasados de estas niรฑas.

ย  Asรญ que la historia que se desarrolla aquรญ no estรก basada en personajes normales, sino que se inclina mรกs a la fantasรญa y mitos japoneses. Aunque la trama puede ser algo confusa, a mรญ me gustรณ bastante porque estรก cargada de mucho drama y tragedia.


ย  Ademรกs que sus diseรฑos, elaborados para el 2005, eran bastante atractivos y muy bien hechos. El tema del Opening tambiรฉn me agradรณ mucho porque va acorde al drama que se desarrolla en la historia.

ย  A mรญ me hizo llorar en ocasiones por tanta tragedia que muestran, mientras que el drama familiar y los sucesos que ocurren entre Misuzu y Yukito de amor prohibido estilo Romeo y Julieta son un plus que le agregan un buen toque a esta animaciรณn e historia.


ย  Y mรกs que un amor prohibido es un Amor Maldito que por mรกs que quieran evitar que ocurran ciertas cosas, lamentablemente terminan ocurriendo, por lo que es su destino acabar asรญ y eso es lo que hace que la historia que se desarrolla sea tan triste en este animรฉ.

ย  Otro aspecto que me gustรณ bastante es el hecho de que el pueblito que se muestra en la historia en realidad existe y hay muy pocos habitantes en รฉl actualmente. Muy parecido a los hechos que se muestran en esta historia. La poblaciรณn de dicho pueblito estรก conformada en su mayorรญa por personas de edad avanzada.


ย  Asรญ que, si tienes ganas de ver algo diferente, cargado de emociones profundas que te hagan reflexionar un poco sobre la vida, ademรกs de hacerte creer en la verdadera fuerza del amor, este animรฉ debes verlo, porque vale la pena. Yo te lo recomiendo al ๐Ÿ’ฏ% y de mi parte le asigno:

Click AQUI para ver el Opening de la serie, o ve al final del post para verlo aquรญ mismo.

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Imagen de Portada DeepL
Logo Air Usado en la Imagen de PortadaCANVA
Imagen 1 Grammarly Extension para correcciones en Inglรฉs
Imagen 2 LanguageTool para correcciones en Espaรฑol
Imagen 3
Imagen 4
Imagen 5
Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autorรญa

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ย  Greetings Otakus of the @theanimerealm Community. Today I want to talk to you about one of the most dramatic and sad anime I've ever seen, it's about Air, a series loaded with myths, legends, winged beings, possessions, genetic memories, deep emotions related to family issues and a raven.


ย  Air is an anime series based on a graphic novel that came out in 2000. This series has 13 episodes and a movie. It develops the story of a boy named Yukito who arrives to a forgotten village in Japan that is literally disappearing because it has almost no inhabitants and he arrives to that place in order to find a Winged Maiden, of which his mother told him so many stories based on Japanese myths and legends.

ย  Arriving in that town she runs into the beautiful Misuzu, a super cute and super clumsy girl who stumbles over anything, which makes her love her more since it's like she's made of innocence in paste.


ย  As expected, Misuzu has other friends that I found quite mysterious and strange. Each one of them has their own details that will be revealed as the story progresses. It should be noted that these characters in general have very strange things happen to them. You could say that they are the product of the ancestors of these girls.

ย  So the story that unfolds here is not based on normal characters but leans more towards fantasy and Japanese myths. Although the plot can be a bit confusing, I quite liked it because it is loaded with a lot of drama and tragedy.


ย  Besides, their designs, elaborated for 2005, were quite attractive and very well done. The Opening theme also pleased me a lot because it goes along with the drama that unfolds in the story.

ย  It made me cry at times because of the tragedy they show, while the family drama and the events that occur between Misuzu and Yukito of forbidden love Romeo and Juliet style are a plus that add a nice touch to this animation and story.


ย  And more than a forbidden love it is a Cursed Love that no matter how much they want to prevent certain things from happening, unfortunately they end up happening, so it is their destiny to end up like that and that is what makes the story that unfolds so sad in this anime.

ย  Another aspect that I quite liked is the fact that the little town shown in the story actually exists and there are very few inhabitants in it at present. Very similar to the events shown in this story. The population of the town is mostly made up of elderly people.


ย  So if you feel like watching something different, full of deep emotions that make you reflect a little about life, besides making you believe in the true power of love, this anime you must watch, because it is worth it. I recommend it to you ๐Ÿ’ฏ% and from me I assign it:

I searched for several versions on YouTube in the hope that it would be seen here on HIVE, but unfortunately they have blocked permission. So you have to click the link and watch it on YouTube.

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Front Cover Image DeepL
Air Logo Used in Cover ImageCANVA
Image 1 Grammarly Extension for English corrections
Image 2 LanguageTool for corrections in Spanish
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Content and Original Text of my Authorship

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The art style definitely screams it was from the age around more than 1 decade ago and more, so that's why I haven't heard about this show. The OP sounds nostalgic of the 90s


Yes, I liked the techno-pop style of the song and the best thing is that the lyrics are very in line with the plot of the series. It's worth watching. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! ๐Ÿ’•


I watched it but the truth is that I didn't understand it at all haha that doesn't mean I didn't like it because in a way it generated emotions in me, although I didn't know why, I was super confused ๐Ÿ˜‚


Hahahaha don't worry, I was also confused at the time because I watched it as a teenager and the plot is quite deep. Maybe since it's a graphic novel, we missed something important that wasn't shown in the anime.

You belong to my #Team, you watched almost all of the ones I watched back then hahaha Thanks for stopping by and commenting! ๐Ÿ’•

jajajaja tranquila, a mรญ tambiรฉn me causรณ confusiรณn en su momento porque la vi como de adolescente y la trama es bastante profunda. Tal vez como es de una novela grรกfica, puede ser que nos saltamos algo importante que no se mostrรณ en el animรฉ.

Definitivamente perteneces a mi #Team, te viste casi todos los que yo me vi en aquel entonces jajaja Gracias por pasar y comentar! ๐Ÿ’•


la animaciรณn se ve hermosa y la temรกtica igual, voy a tenerla en cuenta jeje, excelente post!

the animation looks beautiful and so does the theme, I'm going to keep it in mind hehe, excellent post!


Si, asรญ es, aunque la historia es algo confusa, la trama atrapa por lo emotiva que es. Gracias por pasar y comentar! ๐Ÿ’•


Interesante su trama, me encanta la forma como lo reseรฑas, no la he visto, pero si es una serie de reflexiรณn con un mensaje para el que lo lee me encantara, gracias por compartir @pannavi


Pues si, la trama estรก cargada de sentimientos profundos que se comparten por la familia y tambiรฉn por la pareja. Aunque su desarrollo en la historia puede resultar profundo, hace conexiรณn con el espectador a nivel emocional por plasmar tan bien ese toque dramรกtico. Pienso que vale la pena verlo. Es una historia diferente. Gracias por pasar y comentar! saludos! ๐Ÿ’•


Is it weird that I became interested when I read it's a sad anime? I don't know. I just think I'm in the mood for sad books, movies and animes. I'll definitely check it out cause it seems like something I'll like. An amazing review you've written dear


Ohh thank you so much, I appreciate your kind words. Yes, the story is sad, so is the ending and although the plot is a bit confusing, it's still worth watching. I hope you like it and if you liked it, I'll be waiting to read your review, greetings! ๐Ÿ’•
