Small Children Play on the shore of Blangme beach, North Aceh, which is close to the territory of the Malikussaleh kingdom


On the shores of Blangme beach, North Aceh, the atmosphere is always lively when a group of small children play happily. They enjoyed grilled corn and a bag of drinking water while unwinding. Relax and chat with friends. There were several moments that I didn't have time to capture, some were busy building sand castles, complete with small towers and ditches filled with sea water. Meanwhile, the other children played tag, with their cheerful laughter heard amidst the sea breeze.

This beach is located not far from the former territory of the Malikussaleh Kingdom, which was once the center of power of the Samudera Pasai kingdom in the 13th century. This historical presence feels close, as if the spirit of the ancestors who once fought and traded in these waters still lingers. Sometimes, parents who accompany their children will tell stories about the glories of the past, about the wise King Malikussaleh, and how merchant ships from various parts of the world once stopped here to trade spices.

The calm waves at Blangme beach always invite children to play closer to the water. Some of them will throw themselves into the sea, competing to catch small fish or look for shells washed up on the beach. Meanwhile, fishing boats sailing in the distance add to the beauty of the background, as if to remind you that this beach is part of history and life continues.

Best Regards @p3d1
