Common Sense Not So Common


Hello, beautiful people! Welcome to my blog. It's a pleasure to have you in this space. Once again, welcome 🤗

I have always thought common sense was a Nigerian phrase because it's been used often around here until I saw this prompt.

Personally, I think the word common sense means having the intuition and practical knowledge of knowing how to navigate everyday life effortlessly and effectively.

I think common sense is knowing that when you want to cross the road, you look both ways before crossing because this is one of the principles of road safety.

Common sense can also be defined as wearing your seatbelt while driving; this helps in reducing the risk of injury or death if eventually an accident does happen.


Do All Possess Common Sense?

To whom brains are given sense is expected, but unfortunately not everyone has a common sense even though they have brains. When I see some people do or say some kind of things, I usually wonder if their sense traveled on vacation.

For instance, it's very common here in Africa that if a married woman doesn't take in and have a child immediately after her wedding, she's been blamed for the delay and gets ridiculed or mocked by some set of individuals, forgetting the fact that it might not really be her fault. So common sense is not common.

Three Examples Of Common Sense

It is common sense to respect other people's time and keep to time when you have a meeting or gathering. Showing up on time says a lot about you.

Managing your finances
Common sense would teach you how to manage your finances and not spend your money carelessly but to save and invest for the betterment of your future.

Being kind to others
Common sense would tell you to be nice to people, treat people with empathy, and respect.

In conclusion, since common sense is not common, we should be discreet in our interpersonal relationship with others, this ranges from our reaction to what other people do, both verbally and behaviorally. This understanding would help us reduce and if possible eliminate our high expectations from people, as we realize that as humans they are prone to surprising us in varrying shades and forms. Always having it at the back of our minds that common sense is not common would help us deal with issues in a better, more mature and professional way.


1.643 NEOXAG


Indeed o,common sense is not common. Common sense should let one know that after eating eba with hot okra soup,you need to wash the hands or else you get pepper into the eyes and start crying 😁

0.000 NEOXAG

Worddddd 😂

0.000 NEOXAG

Good job. Common sense is sincerely not common

0.000 NEOXAG

Yea, it is not common

0.000 NEOXAG

knowing how to navigate everyday life effortlessly and effectively

Loved this part. It's such a great way to describe common sense. And yeah totally agree with you, if we remember that not everyone has common sense it would make our lives easier.

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you 🤗

0.000 NEOXAG