Creative Nonfiction: The voice of intuition. EN/ESP.

The story:
It's a beautiful Friday night and, Sandra and I, were at home getting ready, to spend the evening watching some movies and making a different dinner, so we decided to buy some pizzas and make popcorn. We were both very tired from a demanding, and in my case somewhat complicated, working week, with several stressful work situations.
—Rodolfo, can you grab the phone, I'm having a hard time in the kitchen right now. —
—Yes, with pleasure, my heart. It's for you, it's called Mariela. — I said, as I passed the phone to Sandra and took her place, preparing some drinks in the kitchen.
—Hi, Mariela, how are you? —
In the telephone conversation, Mariela was inviting Sandra to a meeting, with several of her former classmates, at the university, and although Mariela had motivated her enough, Sandra told her that she had an engagement with me and that she should ask me, before committing to go out with her and her group of friends. He also told her that after she talked to me, I would let her know if I would go or not.
—Rodolfo, I'm telling you, some university classmates came to the city, and Mariela is contacting me so that we can go out with them. — Said Sandra.
—I imagine you told her that you had an engagement with me, besides we ordered food, and we had decided to spend the night together. And really, I don't feel like going out. — I commented.
— Well, I really want to go out with my friends, and I'm asking you to go with me. — She commented.
—I really don't want to go out, and I really don't want to do it. — I said at the time.
But after saying that, Sandra dedicated herself to convincing me, applying all the tricks that women use, to make one please them, and she really convinced me. So we decided to wait for the pizzas to arrive, and after eating, she would call Mariela, to inform her that if we would attend the meeting.
After a while, the pizzas arrived, I went downstairs, received them and went back up to the flat, when I came in with the pizzas, the first thing Sandra said was — They smell great, the pizzas, let's eat and then we called Mariel. —
When we finished eating and Sandra got up from the table, to call Mariela, I asked her to sit down again, and I told her that I really didn't want us to go out, she started getting upset and started fighting, at that moment, I told her that I didn't want to fight, or argue, and I stopped to go to the bathroom, and when I was washing my face, I felt a very negative feeling when I thought about leaving the house.
So when I got out of the bathroom, I told Sandra the following; —Sandra, I'm not going to fight or argue, but the truth is I'm not going out, I have a kind of bad feeling, and every time I think about going out, I feel uncomfortable, and I really decided not to go out. —
—And you want me to stop going out and seeing my friends, just because you have a feeling. — Said Sandra, with an ironic and annoying tone.
—No sweetheart, I don't want to go out, but that doesn't mean that you won't go out with your friends, if you want to go, no one stops you, go with them, go out and have fun, but I'm not going out, besides, you know that it doesn't bother me, more than once you've gone out alone, and I really don't want to go, I have a bad feeling and I prefer to stay at home. You can go without problem if you wish. —
Finally, Sandra called Mariela, and they agreed that they would be looking for her in an hour. I went down with Sandra to take her to the car, and Mariela greeted me with a lot of affection, as did two other people who were in the car and almost convinced me to go with them, however, something told me, not to leave the house. He even invited them to stay, and I told them I wasn't going, because I wasn't feeling well, and I had a bad feeling, and after the teasing and laughter, we said goodbye. I went up to the house, and they went to their meeting.
In the early morning, Sandra's mom called me, to let me know that she and her classmates had suffered a car accident, when they went to take a friend to her house. I remember I took a taxi and went to the hospital.
When I arrived at the hospital, Sandra's family was there. Jorge, her dad asked me why weren't you in the car with them?
I replied that they had invited me out, but that I decided not to go with them, since I had a bad feeling and that in fact I had told Sandra and Mariela about it, and even asked them to stay at home.
Jorge commented to me, —You really saved yourself by the hair, it's good that you listened to your intuition, she always warns us of bad things, I don't know if she's the guardian angel, or if it's just a developed process of survival, but when one feels the intuition one must obey it and if one doesn't, one must face the consequences. — At that moment, I felt that a man with a lot of experience spoke to me.
Sandra suffered a broken leg and a rib, as for the other boys, some were beaten, but Mariela and her brother, did not suffer any damage in the accident.
After that day, I think everyone involved, we became fervent advocates of the importance of listening to the inner voice that sometimes speaks to us and which we call intuition.
Personally, I always pay attention to him, since on several occasions, he has saved me by the hair, from different situations.
Thanks for reading me.

Para leer en Español

Creative Nonfiction: La voz de la intuición.
La historia:
Era una hermosa noche de viernes y, Sandra y yo, estábamos en casa preparándonos, para pasar la noche viendo unas películas y haciendo una cena diferente, por lo que decidimos comprar unas pizzas y hacer palomitas de maíz. Ambos estábamos muy cansados de una semana laboral exigente, y en mi caso algo complicada, con varias situaciones laborales estresantes.
—Rodolfo, puedes agarrar el teléfono, estoy complicada ahorita en la cocina. —
—Sí, con gusto corazón. Es para ti, te llama Mariela.
— Dije, mientras le pasé el teléfono a Sandra y ocupaba su lugar, preparando unas bebidas en la cocina.
—Hola, Mariela, ¿Cómo estás? — En la conversación telefónica, Mariela estaba invitando a Sandra a reunión, con varios excompañeros de ellas, en la universidad, y por aunque Mariela, la había motivado bastante, Sandra le comentó, que tenía un compromiso conmigo y que debía preguntarme, antes de comprometerse a salir con ella y con su grupo de amigos. También le comentó que después de que ella hablara conmigo, le avisaría si iría o no.
—Rodolfo, te cuento, que vinieron a la ciudad unos compañeros de la universidad, y Mariela me está contactando para que salgamos con ellos. — Dijo Sandra.
—Me imagino que le dijiste que tienes un compromiso conmigo, además pedimos comida y habíamos decido pasar la noche juntos. Y de verdad, yo no tengo ganas de salir. — Comenté.
—Bueno, yo realmente quiero salir con mis amigos y te estoy pidiendo que vayas conmigo. — Comentó ella. —Yo la verdad, no quiero salir, y de verdad no me motivo a hacerlo. — Dije en ese momento.
Pero después de decir eso, Sandra se dedicó a convencerme, aplicando todas las astucias que utilizan las mujeres, para hacer que uno las complazca, y efectivamente me convenció. Así que decidimos esperar a que llegaran las pizzas, y después de comer, ella llamaría a Mariela, para informarle que si asistiríamos a la reunión.
Después de un rato, llegaron las pizzas, bajé, las recibí y subí de nuevo al apartamento, cuando entré con las pizzas, lo primero que dijo Sandra, fue —Huelen muy bien, las pizzas, vamos a comer y después llamamos a Mariela. —
Cuando terminamos de comer y Sandra se levantó de la mesa, para llamar a Mariela, le pedí que se sentara de nuevo, y le dije que realmente no quería que saliéramos, ella empezó a molestarse y comenzó a pelear, en ese momento, le dije que no quería pelear, ni discutir y me pare para ir al baño, y cuando me estaba lavando la cara, sentí una sensación muy negativa cuando pensé en salir de la casa.
Así que al salir del baño, le dije a Sandra lo siguiente; —Sandra, no voy a pelear ni a discutir, pero la verdad yo no voy a salir, tengo una especie de mal presentimiento, y cada vez que pienso en salir, me siento incómodo y de verdad decidí no salir. —
—Y pretendes que yo deje de salir y de ver a mis amigos, por el hecho de que tú tengas un presentimiento. — Dijo Sandra, con tono irónico y molesto.
—No corazón, yo no quiero salir, pero eso no significa que tú no vayas a salir con tus amigos, si quieres ir, nadie te detiene, ve con ellos, sal y diviértete, pero yo no voy a salir, además, sabes que no me molesta, más de una vez has salido sola y yo realmente no quiero ir, tengo un mal presentimiento y prefiero quedarme en casa. Puedes ir sin problema si lo deseas. — Le contesté.
Finalmente, Sandra llamó a Mariela y quedaron en que la pasarían buscando en una hora. Yo bajé con Sandra a llevarla al auto, y Mariela me saludo con mucho cariño, al igual que otras dos personas que estaban en el auto y casi me convencen para irme con ellos, sin embargo, algo me decía, que no saliera de casa.
Inclusive, les invita a quedarse y les dije que no iba, ya que no me sentía bien y tenía un mal presentimiento, y después de las burlas y las risas, nos despedimos. Yo subí a casa y ellos se fueron a su reunión.
En la madrugada, me llamó la mamá de Sandra, para avisarme que ella y sus compañeros, habían sufrido un accidente automovilístico, cuando fueron a llevar a un amigo a su casa. Recuerdo que tome un taxi y me fui al hospital.
Al llegar al hospital, estaba la familia de Sandra, Jorge su papá me preguntó ¿Por qué tú no estabas en el carro con ellos?
Le respondí que ellos me habían invitado a salir, pero que decidí no ir con ellos, ya que tuve un mal presentimiento y que de hecho se lo había comentado a Sandra y Mariela, y hasta le pedí que se quedaran en casa. Jorge me comentó, —Realmente te salvaste por los pelos, que bueno que le hiciste caso a tu intuición, ella siempre nos advierte de las cosas malas, no sé si es el ángel de la guarda, o si es solamente un proceso desarrollado de supervivencia, pero cuando uno siente la intuición debe obedecerla y si no lo hace, debe afrontar las consecuencias. — En ese momento, sentí que me habló un hombre con muchísima experiencia.
Sandra sufrió una fractura en la pierna y en una costilla, en cuanto a los demás muchachos, algunos salieron golpeados, pero Mariela y su hermano, no sufrieron ningún daño en el accidente. Después de ese día, creo que todos los involucrados, nos convertimos en fervientes defensores de la importancia de escuchar a la voz interior que a veces nos habla y a la que llamamos intuición.
En lo personal siempre le hago caso, ya que en varias oportunidades, me ha salvado por los pelos, de diferentes situaciones.
Gracias por leerme.
It's always good for one to listen to his intuition and act accordingly. If you have a bad feeling about something, try to not ignore it.
Hi @graat, thank you very much for the comment.
Actually, I learned to listen to my intuition, because whenever I don't, I could avoid it.
My greetings.
That is amazing, @osomar357. Yes, that inner voice is an important one to listen to! We all have "intuition" about things at different times, and it's very easy to ignore that feeling.
Hi @theinkwell, thanks a lot for the comment.
You know, you're right about the dining room, because really, we always try to leave intuition and we're guided by logic.However, that inner voice is a gift that life gives us and we must learn to listen to it and repeat it.
Experience has taught me that.
I'm glad you liked the post.
Best wishes and happy, weekend.
The way intuitions work is so amazing. The bad things occur when we chose to ignore these intuitions.
This was a narrow escaped indeed and I'm glad you listened.
Hi @wongi, thanks a lot for the comment.
Yes I learned to listen to her and always listen to her.
Happy weekend.