[ESP/ENG] Mi proceso migratorio. Concurso Ladies of Hive #195/ My migratory process. Ladies of Hive Contest #195

Mi proceso migratorio.png

Hola chicas, espero estén muy bien. Deseo lo mejor para todas ustedes. Para dar inicio a mi participación en este concurso, me gustaria primeramente darle gracias a @marivic10 por la valiosa oportunidad de poder compartir mi experiencia con ustedesHi girls, I hope you are very well. I wish the best for all of you. To start my participation in this contest, I would first like to thank @marivic10 for the valuable opportunity to share my experience with you.
Anteriormente he tenido algunas oportunidades para comentarles brevemente que soy una chica venezolana que vive en Colombia y que me encuentro lejos de mi familia, pero verdaderamente en este concurso si puedo ampliarme un poco más. El día 10 de julio del año 2019, salí de mi país, junto con mi pareja, dejando atrás a mi familia (padres, hermanas, abuelos); pasar la frontera entre ambos países, fue un proceso un poco difícil y traumático en cierto sentido, debido a que primeramente, salimos de manera ilegal y por otro lado, la frontera no estaba abierta por completo, por lo que nos tocó pasar por un camino diferente al tradicional (conocido como trochas). Al encontrarnos ya del lado colombiano, sentimos un poco de paz, debido a que lamentablemente los militares venezolanos, son los que más daño pueden ejercer. Llegados a este punto nos esperaba un viaje de aproximadamente 48 horas (incluidos los tiempos de espera), lo cual en comparación a otras personas que han viajado a o otros países mas lejanos, se convierte en nada, pero para nosotros, fue demasiado.Previously I have had some opportunities to tell you briefly that I am a Venezuelan girl living in Colombia and that I am far from my family, but truly in this contest if I can expand a little more. On July 10, 2019, I left my country, along with my partner, leaving behind my family (parents, sisters, grandparents); crossing the border between the two countries, was a somewhat difficult and traumatic process in a sense, because first, we left illegally and on the other hand, the border was not completely open, so we had to go through a different way to the traditional (known as trochas). When we found ourselves on the Colombian side, we felt a bit of peace, because unfortunately the Venezuelan military are the ones that can do the most damage. At this point we were expecting a trip of approximately 48 hours (including waiting times), which in comparison to other people who have traveled to or other more distant countries, becomes nothing, but for us, it was too much.
Y es que no solo se trataba del viaje como tal, sino de todo el conjunto de emociones que están dentro de ti en esas horas, por mi parte, me sentía destrozada. Tenia 20 años recién cumplidos, había estado toda mi vida junto a mi familia, y de repente vivir esa separación, me dejó una herida que aun a día de hoy es un poco difícil de manejar. Mi pareja, por su parte tenia un poco mas de sentimientos encontrados (alegría y tristeza mas que todo), debido a que el dejaba a sus abuelos para encontrarse con sus papás que ya estaban acá, y sus hermanos tenían un viaje programado para unos meses después que nosotros. Luego de esas horas difíciles, llegamos a nuestro destino, a explorar lo que se convertiría en nuestro nuevo hogar hasta el dia de hoy. Estuve de manera ilegal aca en Colombia por un lapso de tres años, aproximadamente, hasta que hace dos años pude conseguir una legalidad temporal, lo cual es una gran ayuda, debido a que ya puedo acceder a ciertos servicios de gran importancia (como la salud).And it was not only about the trip as such, but the whole set of emotions that are inside you in those hours, for my part, I felt devastated. I had just turned 20 years old, I had been with my family all my life, and suddenly living that separation, left me a wound that even today is a little difficult to handle. My partner, on the other hand, had more mixed feelings (joy and sadness more than anything else), because he was leaving his grandparents to meet his parents who were already here, and his siblings had a trip scheduled for a few months after us. After those difficult hours, we arrived at our destination, to explore what would become our new home to this day. I was illegally here in Colombia for about three years until two years ago I was able to get temporary legal status, which is a great help because I can now access certain important services (such as health care).
Finalizando ya mi historia migratoria, debo decir que ha sido todo un proceso, y como tal, lleno de mucho llanto, tristeza; pero tambien he tenido muchos momentos de felicidad, empoderamiento, crecimiento personal. He vivido muchas experiencias que me han permitido madurar, ver y reconocer que he cambiado y progresado en muchos aspectos de mi vida. Nunca es facil salir de tu pais, pero con fuerza y valentia, es posible dibujar un nuevo futuro para ti y los tuyosI must say that it has been a process, and as such, full of much crying, sadness; but I have also had many moments of happiness, empowerment, personal growth. I have lived many experiences that have allowed me to mature, to see and recognize that I have changed and progressed in many aspects of my life. It is never easy to leave your country, but with strength and courage, it is possible to draw a new future for you and your family.

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Ia was wondering what were the legal avenue of getting a work visa into Columbia if there were any? Was it very expensive and took far to long?


@kerrislravenhill Fortunately, in 2021 the president at that time, granted all Venezuelan citizens who had been in Colombia for a certain period of time, a temporary residence permit, which was free of charge and valid for 10 years. Although today it is no longer issued and there are still many people who do not have it, at the time it was a very good strategy to support us.

Once the validity period is over, we must apply for a resident visa, which must be paid for.

I am sorry for the delay in responding to your comment; I had a very busy week at work.

