[ESP/ENG] Mi gran viaje y mis preciados consejos. Concurso Ladies Of hive #191 / My big trip and my precious tips. Ladies Of hive Contest #191

Hola chicas, espero se encuentren muy bien. Tenía mucho, mucho tiempo sin publicar por acá, he estado con varios problemas de salud y en búsqueda de mi recuperación; sin embargo decido unirme nuevamente a este concurso semanal, con las suficientes ganas de poder tener una buena escritura, después de tanto tiempo. Así que sin más que decir, les comparto mi entrada con las dos fantásticas preguntas de la semana, agradeciendo a @priyanarc​ por permitirme este viaje al pasado.Hello girls, I hope you are doing well. I had a long, long time without posting here, I have been with several health problems and in search of my recovery; however I decide to join again to this weekly contest, with enough desire to be able to have a good writing, after so long. So without more to say, I share with you my entry with the two fantastic questions of the week, thanking @priyanarc for allowing me this trip to the past.


La primera pregunta nos dice:The first question tells us:
"Si tuvieras la oportunidad de ofrecer orientación y sabiduría a tu yo más joven, ¿qué ideas o recomendaciones compartirías?""If you had the opportunity to offer guidance and wisdom to your younger self, what insights or recommendations would you share?"

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A mi "yo" más joven me encantaría decirle: Sé feliz, vive cada momento, ríe demasiado, disfruta cada día junto a tu familia, no pases tanto tiempo encerrada en tu habitación, comparte más con las personas que amas, disfruta más tu época escolar, no te estreses tanto por los resultados al final del curso, se trata más del momento y de todos los recuerdos que quedarán grabados en tu memoria; haz grandes amistades, de esas que duran para toda la vida y disfruta con ellas todo lo que puedas. No antepongas a los demás por sobre ti, tu debes ser tu prioridad en cada momento. Piensa más acerca de las decisiones que vas a tomar e intenta ser menos impulsiva; no veas la fatalidad en todo lo que ocurre, pero tampoco vivas obsesionada reviviendo las cosas que pudiste haber hecho mejor.To my younger "me" I would love to say: Be happy, live every moment, laugh too much, enjoy every day with your family, do not spend so much time locked in your room, share more with the people you love, enjoy more your school time, do not stress so much about the results at the end of the course, it is more about the moment and all the memories that will remain engraved in your memory; make great friendships, those that last a lifetime and enjoy with them as much as you can. Don't put others before yourself, you must be your priority at all times. Think more about the decisions you are going to make and try to be less impulsive; do not see the fatality in everything that happens, but do not live obsessed reliving the things you could have done better.
Todo lo anteriormente comentado, es debido a que, si bien, no me arrepiento de las mayorías de las cosas que he hecho en mi vida, ya ahora siendo adulta si me gustaria devolver en ocasiones el tiempo y cambiar pequeños detalles que en su momento pensé que estaba haciendo lo mejor. Ahora comprendo que todas las pequeñas decisiones que tomes, van a interferir en tu futuro y por la poca madurez (o en algunos casos "madurez extrema"), que de pronto pudo haberme caracterizado durante mi adolescencia, no pude darme cuenta. Desde mi adolescencia me acostumbré a poner primero a todos los demás y dejarme a mi en último lugar, hoy comprendo que como efecto, tiene en mi el hecho de no poderme negar a las personas, después de tanto tiempo teniendo esa "mala" costumbre, lo cual me hace vivir en constante estrés, cierto grado de explotación laboral y por ende, mala salud. Por otra parte, si hubiese intentado ampliar más mi circulo de amistad durante mi adolescencia y pasar menos tiempo encerrada en mi habitación, actualmente seria mucho más fácil para mi hacer nuevos amigos.All of the above is due to the fact that, although I do not regret most of the things I have done in my life, now that I am an adult I would like to give back the time and change small details that at the time I thought I was doing the best. Now I understand that all the little decisions you make, will interfere in your future and because of the little maturity (or in some cases "extreme maturity"), that may have characterized me during my adolescence, I could not realize it. Since my adolescence I got used to put everyone else first and leave me in last place, today I understand that as an effect, it has on me the fact of not being able to deny people, after so long having that "bad" habit, which makes me live in constant stress, some degree of labor exploitation and therefore, bad health. On the other hand, if I had tried to expand my circle of friends during my adolescence and spend less time locked in my room, it would be much easier for me to make new friends.

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La segunda pregunta nos indica:The second question asks:
Reflexionando sobre tu trayectoria personal, ¿qué logros se destacan como tus momentos de mayor orgullo?Reflecting on your personal journey, what accomplishments stand out as your proudest moments?

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Realmente en mi vida considero que tengo muchísimas cosas por hacer, metas por cumplir, sueños por llevar a la realidad, así que aun no puedo dar por sentado que he tenido mi mayor logro; sin embargo, he tenido muchos momentos en los que me digo a mí misma "Si pudiste, mira hacia atrás y observa todo lo que has conseguido". Uno de esos momentos fue cuando junto a mi pareja, pudimos comenzar a comprar nuestras propias cosas (cama, estufa, nevera, lavadora, televisor), luego de estar durmiendo en el piso, cocinando con elementos que pertenecían a otras personas, guardando nuestras carnes y lácteos en casas de otras personas porque nosotros no teníamos donde guardarlas, es una de las oportunidades en que se puede notar los frutos de nuestro trabajo, nuestro esfuerzo. También recuerdo mucho el momento en el que salí de mi país, fueron meses y meses de llantos, depresión, no tenia ganas de salir a ningún lado porque toda mi familia se encontraba lejos; hoy por hoy, puedo decir que si bien aun los extraño muchísimo cada día, estoy viviendo, logré superar esa tristeza constante y eso para mí es un gran logro.Actually in my life I consider that I have many things to do, goals to accomplish, dreams to bring to reality, so I still can not take for granted that I have had my greatest achievement; however, I have had many moments when I say to myself "If you could, look back and see all that you have achieved". One of those moments was when together with my partner, we were able to start buying our own things (bed, stove, refrigerator, washing machine, TV), after sleeping on the floor, cooking with items that belonged to other people, storing our meat and dairy products in other people's houses because we had nowhere to store them, it is one of the opportunities where you can notice the fruits of our labor, our effort. I also remember very much the moment when I left my country, it was months and months of crying, depression, I did not feel like going anywhere because all my family was far away; today, I can say that although I still miss them very much every day, I am living, I managed to overcome that constant sadness and that for me is a great achievement.
Aun asi, en algun tiempo (a corto y largo plazo para cada uno de mis sueños), espero poder replantearme esta pregunta y poder decir: "Antes solo era un sueño enorme, hoy es parte de mis logros"Still, in some time (short and long term for each of my dreams), I hope to be able to rethink this question and be able to say: "Before it was just a huge dream, today it is part of my achievements".

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Muchas gracias por leer mi publicación.
Thank you very much for reading my publication.

Todas las imágenes y los separadores fueron creados por mí, en Canva.

All images and separators were created by me, in Canva.

El texto fue traducido con Deepl.
The text was translated with Deepl.


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Really emotional yet mature way you have written this post and I congratulate you for that. We always talk to ourselves more or less and we share our regret with ourselves. If we had this chance to go back in time, definitely we would have shared some valuable guidelines.

I left my country, it was months and months of crying, depression, I did not feel like going anywhere

And you did something for life despite facing so many problems. That's a really big accomplishment...

Thanks for sharing and have a nice weekend...


Yes, we almost always want to go back in time in order to change certain aspects of our lives.

But I think the point is really to define those details and improve them for the future.

Thank you very much for reading my post and leaving your comment.

I hope you have a great weekend too.


Wow, doing without a stove, refrigerator and washing machine for any length of time and still survive, that is roughing alright, like camping under your own roof, you toughed it out and that is admirable @orion.art


Yes, it really is like camping under a roof. It's really nice to be able to look back and have the growth be so noticeable.

Thank you very much for reading my post.

