Hello beautiful people. Be careful of the kind of people you let into your life. Your attitude and mental programming could be altered by who you mingle and go into relationship with. Some relationships can have an negative/positive impact on your behavior and your emotional life.
I've seen people whom their morals and values changed after a relationship. While some others had their emotional well-being and self esteem messed up due to a bad/toxic relationship. You allowed someone to walk into your life and disarranged your emotions and mental programming.
You, that used to be a peaceful and loving man/woman is now a psychopath who doesn't believe in love because your previous relationships taught and showed you that true love doesn't exist.
You that used to be a reserved and preserved lady is now addicted to alcohol, smoking and clubbing just because a guy came into your life and everything about you changed.
You that used to a disciplined guy now is sexually addicted to every woman that crosses your path. Now, you find it hard to separate true feelings from infatuation and love from lust. Just because your girlfriend or ex-girlfriend turned you into a sex addict.
All these and many more are the reasons you should be careful of who you date or who gets into your life.
Who you date or go into a relationship with can either make you or mar you.
You are really settling for less than you deserve, where you make all the sacrifices in your relationship.
By this, I mean that you are the only one making all the adjustments, compromises and putting in all the work to sustain your relationship.
You are the only one who apologizes when you are wrong and when they are wrong, you are the only who gives, you are the only one who tries to settle the differences amongst you both, you are the only one who calls and texts and makes sure they are ok etc. meanwhile your partner folds his/her hands and does nothing.
Isn’t that unfair? And exhausting?
Making sacrifices is part of a healthy relationship, but it should never be a one-way thing. It should be equal, with both of you making efforts to make each other happy.
Don't make the mistake of putting too much work and energy in the relationship to please your partner while they do less or nothing to reciprocate or make you feel valued.
You deserve someone who’s willing to meet you halfway. Relationships are about compromise, but you should never be the only one giving in all the time.