Hello beautiful people. There is a particular child in the place where I work that relates differently with other kids of her age by the way she shows care,love and concern to other kids.
I observed that whenever her dad/mum comes to drop her at school,she is given a warm hug and reminded that she is loved.
We are loved but we just don't know how to demonstrate it and that's why we feel uneasy whenever we are hugged and told that we are loved. please don't be
This child is growing up with a mindset that people are loved and cared for and she is always looking forward to it.
You may not have the resources to give out now but you have a warm hug to give
some warm words of affirmation.....
So,as you step out today, irrespective of our cultural bias, endeavour to demonstrate your love,care and affection for someone. It could be all they may need to hear or receive and be reminded that someone still cares.
This could go as far as extending same kind gesture to workers around. Even if we don't hug, we could give a warm smile. Everyday when I'm entering the gate of my workplace, I make sure I greet the security people.
I don't call them "security", I call them "officers" and for the married women, I address them as "ma" and many times than not, I call the men "Sir"!
The idea is to make them feel not just loved, but appreciated. So even if we can't give a hug, we could give a warm smile and tender words that encourage and inspire the spirits of men.
You can look at this idea in many way, it is the embodiment of the spirit of togetherness and kindness, respect and compassion. You are not just doing that for the person but also f yourself, as you make other people feel great, it has a ripple effect of making you feel even greater yourself.
You deserve what you give and even if you do not get it, at the very least, you did give it. Every good turn deserves another and if the good turn you give today doesn't come from the person you gave it to, do not worry.
Someone else somewhere is ready to go over and beyond to give you your good turn and it will be even better than you thought or expected. That is the grace of receiving and at is the grace of giving.
You got this.