
Hello beautiful people. As we journey in life, sometimes we tend to fix all our attention on the our goals and things we intend to achieve to the extent that we fail to enjoy the process.

While it is important we keep our eyes on the goal, it also important that we enjoy the process. To enjoy the process means appreciating, taking delight or deriving pleasure from the process.


The children of Israel missed out on this during their journey from Egypt to the promise land so even after experiencing God's mighty acts of provision, protection, deliverance and mercy they kept complaining and murmuring at the slightest challenge they faced. They thought and spoke about giving up severally and even returning back to Egypt. This made many of them who came out of the land of Egypt to miss out on entering the Promise Land (their goal) as they all died in the wilderness save Caleb and Joshua.

So this year, while you are working and praying toward achieving your goals, make sure you enjoy the process. As you take a walk or board a commercial vehicle while you are working towards getting your own vehicle, enjoy the process. Be grateful you have feet to walk and/or resources to pay for your transport fare.

While you working towards earning in seven figures or more, enjoy the process of living within your means even with your earnings in five or six figures.

If we don't learn to enjoy the process, we are going to find ourselves often battling with anxiety, depression, ingratitude, unnecessary comparisons and competition which can even prevent us from achieving our goals.

In the end, it not just going to be about what we achieve but what we become in the process of our achieving. So while you are out chasing your goal(s) make sure you enjoy the process.


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