Unfair Judgement

CAS know that there's a lie in Bairo Castillo's international passport. In the passport, it was written that he was born in Ecuador but he is a Colombian and he was born in Colombia. In research, CAS board know that he was born in Colombia in a place they call Tunkor but they said Ecuador would go to World Cup. Playing for another country even if you are not born there is not a problem but the information that is written in Castillo's international passport is the problem. The purnishment that CAS give to Ecuador is that they would deduct three points in their upcoming World Cup qualifier matches and they would pay £87,000 (Eighty seven thousand pounds) as penalty fee.

Before CAS interfere, FIFA has already said that they can't stop Ecuador, so Chille should just accept their fate. Maybe it's because because it's too close that is why FIFA didn't judge Ecuador because it may spend more of their money that they have already have budget on and they would start making arrangements, the customised things, the ticket 🎫 that they have sold. It's obvious that Ecuador is guilty but to change who would go to the World Cup would give them stress and spend them extra money so they were to pay such huge amount of money (£87,000) and 3 points for the upcoming matches that they would play in the upcoming World Cup qualifier matches in the next World Cup.

That judgement is not fair enough because I see it as cheating on Chile, they should have make the judgement before now but as they judge it now, it's not even fair at all. This kind of thing would happen again as they didn't give Ecuador the right judgement that they are suppose to give them because the 3 points and the huge amount of money is not enough to be a punishment, they should be sent off the tournament but the fact that they don't want to spend more money make them judge it that way. In the future, another Country might do such thing and if FIFA or CAS want to give them the judgement that is bad than the one they give Ecuador, they would remind them that they have once favour Ecuador.
