Mass indoctrination day 9. 08/12/2022


The focus of the gathering is not about money, it's to see each other, look at each other, thinking of anyone that is in need of help or sick and help them out. If you observe that a brethren need something that you have, give to them. There is a joy in spirit when we meet together, we meet so that our joy may be full.

There were those that were poor among the old Christians and they are allowed to enter the church. The first reasons is to observe one another and the second reason is to exalt one another.

God Himself sings, when the World was created, the angels sings, so singing is an important thing. Those that are in love sing for their love ones. In the coming judgment, the angels would sing. Whrb we are worshipping God, we would be singing to Him, not saint Marry, not Saint Peter.

When we gather and sing to God, the evil spirit flee. Singing praises to God is sufficient to send the devil away.

Even if you have the ugly voice, just sing to God, He wouldn't criticize you.

You can gather any day, it's not prohibited by God. In the gathering, God forgives


Some churches and religions are for business, they don't want to host the poor, they want the rich ones in their midst, all they care about is money, not helping the brethren that need help, they don't want to see the poor ones in their midst. We should gather in order to help each other, check if someone need help and then help them, sick and take care of them, need something that you have and give to them because that is what we live for, God can't come down to help us, He would send someone to help somebody.

The first reason why we call gathering is to help each other, look for those that are poor and give to them, that was how they did in the old church, they don't discriminate, they welcome the poor and help them and the second reason why we gather is to exalt each other, not to gather money for the pastor of a church or the head of a religion.

We have song for almost everything, so singing is not something that is bad, it's something that is good because singing has exist before the world exist but it's good song to be precise, not the song like Marilyn Monroe and Co.

Sing praises to God no matter how bad your voice is, devil will run 🏃, God forgives and answers prayers when you sing in the gathering.


Some churches and religions are for business, they don't want to host the poor, they want the rich ones in their midst, all they care about is money, not helping the brethren that need help, they don't want to see the poor ones in their midst.

The reason that many religion emerge in our present time because it is a business that pastors can profit. We should be careful dealing with any religion because it involve our souls which is the most important of all.

Thanks be to God
