Live worship service held on 30/12/2022
In every good works, you have the readiness, you have prepared for any good works and our readiness is ready to be used and if you are ready to be used for every good work, man would use you, God would use us.
Through the brain, the body moves, Christ is the one we submit ourself to, so why do we submit ourselves to the leaders instead of submitting ourselves to Lord Jesus Christ.
Our submission to do good works is our submission to Christ because Christ is the head of the church and we should submit ourself to Him. Obey those that rule over you and submit yourself to them because the leader is under the authority of Christ.
It is the scripture that we should be rule by, it's for your own good, for your profit, but you can't benefit from it if you are being thought and you didn't obey.
For us to be sanctified, the doctrine is what we should obey and if you are under the law, obey the Law.
To do anything, you must be ready for it, set for it and expect it, so if it happen, you won't be surprised because you have already get set for it. So in all the good works that we do, we are ready for it and once we are ready, we should expect to be used by anyone, we should be ready to be used by man and God
Although Christ is the only one that we should submit ourself to, obey, but we have to obey and submit ourself to the leaders because it is God that put them there and by submitting ourself to them, we are doing the good work.
Follow the scripture, be thought through the Bible, if you do, it's for your own good and your profit and you will see something good if you obey the scripture, but you won't find the benefit if you didn't obey it.
For us to be sanctified, we have to follow the scripture, be guided and be ruled by the scripture. But if our leaders leads us apart from what is written in the Bible, then we have the right not to obey them but we have to follow them is what they do is according to the Bible and the law that is written inside the Bible.
Thanks be to God almighty.
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