You know I like helping people a lot even if it will cost me something really special I still help, I remember a time in school where I gave my last food to a friend, I have not eaten for the whole day I was shuffling between registration, classes and work that I had no time to eat and in my way going to one of the offices to finalize a registration I met one my coursemate who is also a friend and he asked if there was food at home and without hesitation or thinking about my stomach I said yes, till date I kept thinking maybe it is because the food is cold already because I don't eat cold food no matter how hungry I am it one habit I picked up in 2020 and I'm thinking of dropping it due to some circumstances. Let's go back to the story, now without hesitation I told him to wait for me upstairs and when I came back I gave it to him although I told him beforehand that the food is cold and he agreed to eat it like that, saying “food is food so far it goes into the stomach and does not trouble him”.

On several occasions I have given out money that could last me a week to both people I know and the ones I do not know and I don't regret doing that. Although let me not lie to you, sometimes I go broke and start regretting why I gave the money out and wish I did not in the first place, I have learnt from two significant people on how to give and know when to say no or yes to someone needing a financial assistance even though i have it in abundance, there should be a restriction. Let me tell you a secret, please do not tell anyone 🙏, I once gave someone money for my W.A.E.C (West African Examination Council) examination and I do not regret it till this day 😁.

Until one day I saw a child walking barefooted and I really wanted to help the child get a shoe, I have been seeing that child walk barefooted for a long time, walked up to my mum cause I was not having any money with me, my mum was like my child I see your heart I see that you really want to help this child but you do not have, she went further to say you do not borrow money from someone to help someone it's not a nice attitude and that stuck in my memory for long till this day.

You know one funny thing about humans is that when you don't help someone they think you are wicked or stingy although there's no disputing that fact that there are wicked and Stingy people around, but learn to understand when someone says no to you at a certain point in time. My school father will always say let them call me wicked or stingy but I'll give according to my pocket (after I have fed my family) and the leading of my spirit. That too stuck to my memory and it has been helping me for a very long time now 😁.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. See you soon. 🤗

peace out ✌️


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Even though it's good to give, we must set a limit, especially if it'll affect us personally, I can't give out something when I know it'll affect me or it's something I also need.
