It is said that kids copy what their parents do without them or their parents knowing; that is, kids tend to follow in the footsteps of their parents unconsciously, just seeing what is happening recurrently, they master it. This is my case; I used to think I was closer to my mum until recently, I realized I was closer to my Dad, but he was hardly there because he was working. This evening I was discussing with someone before I even saw the topic in Hivenaija about how I unconsciously copied my Dad, my mum is the outgoing type while my dad is always indoors if it is not a church or work you would not see my Dad outside, never, you can catch him unaware outside and he had just one friend who is late now (he died years ago) apart from that man I have never seen or heard my Dad call another person his friend and I just realized that I am doing the same thing I grew up seeing my Dad do.
When it is not school/ classes, church, or work you will not see me anywhere outside until recently when I started buying food because my hotplate got bad. My movement in school is triangular, or, should I say, square 🤔.
My house
Class/ school church.
That is how my life has been, to know how bad it is if I'm not going to work or class or church I do not buy food stuff I would have to wait till when I want to go out to any of these places before I can enter the market to buy what I need in my house.
My friends have complained, and they are tired; even my partner is tired of complaining; the only close friend I have recently is tired, too, but I like my space. I do tell people that it is me, my bed, and nothing else. There is this party my level is organizing and I happen to be in their midst and realized they have mentioned the names of others except mine I decided to ask why my name was not there and two of my coursemates replied in unison " Even if there was a gun pointed to your head to come for this party you would not move an inch" I was shocked and embarrassed at the same time 🙀. I didn't take it to heart because I knew who I was, and I am trying so hard to adjust; it's not easy.
What do I do indoors you might want to ask?
All I do is listen to songs, go online, make a lot of music and dance videos, or sleep; that is majorly all I do when I'm not outside with others or in the places I mentioned earlier. I personally feel being indoors averts a lot of things. My Dad would say he has never seen anywhere someone was arrested for always being indoors but he has seen it on several occasions when someone was being arrested because he was somewhere he was not supposed to be at the moment.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. See you soon. 🤗
peace out ✌️
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
It is true that many times we copy the habits and customs of our parents, since they are the people with whom we usually share the most and they are our reference since childhood.
But I am convinced that there are other things, many things that are inherited, not only physical features or hair color. For example, my son has never seen his father and does things just like him. There are behaviors that are his father's 100% and have never been seen.
Yeah that's true, I do things just like my father consciously or unknowingly.
Thanks for stopping by 🤗
Who says the fun is outside? My dear, we can have so much fun inside. I relate with this so much because even my own friends have complained and tire. Especially one that stays close to me in my state (all my friends are in different states). She has tried to get me out and sometimes sef, she gets very angry... lol
Mine gets frustrated 🤣
I relate a lot to what you're saying as a fellow indoor-sy person. You can never go wrong being indoors. It saves you from a lot of things and that's a positive trait you picked from your parents for sure. I enjoyed your entry. Thanks for sharing.🌺
Thank you for stopping by 🤗
It's very funny how a lot of people here are announcing the indoor thing.
Those people that are always balling, they're not in this Blockchain? Lol😂
Nice one
🤣🤣🤣 I guess they are not
Ha ha 😂
It's Dad's closing remark for me.
So true.
Being indoors keeps you away from unnecessary drama. Lol.
Thank you for sharing
Thank you for stopping by 🤗
You're welcome 🤗
Well, in most cases, our lifestyles are proportional to what we see our parents and close relative do. For me, I think that we can be who we want to be irrespective of the styles we choose.
There are many outspoken persons who are indoor minded.
For my kind of person, my mood dictate where and what I do..there are times are I want to watch a football match in a crowd rather than alone in the living room. That balances my life and emotions.
I never want to go outside, my mind is always inside 😁