Jardim Senhor do Padrão & Praia Matosinhos / Riding Portugal



Hello everyone and welcome to my blog :-)

The winter afternoon was sunny and we went to Matosinhos. The cold was still felt, but the clear blue sky and golden glow of the afternoon provided a perfect contrast to the sea breeze. It was New Year's Eve, and the city, although calm, emanated an air of expectation, regarding the transition between the past and the future.


A tarde de Inverno era soalheira e fomos até Matosinhos. O frio ainda se fazia sentir, mas o céu azul claro e o brilho dourado da tarde davam um contraste perfeito com a brisa do mar. Era a véspera de Ano Novo, e a cidade, apesar de calma, emanava um ar de expectativa, relativamente à transição entre o passado e o futuro.









We began our tour at Jardim do Senhor do Padrão, a large and very serene space. The garden is small but charming, with trees, some young people socializing and kids playing. In the center, the dome of Senhor do Padrão stands out, representing the city's patron saint.


Começámos o nosso passeio pelo Jardim do Senhor do Padrão, um espaço de grande e bastante sereno. O jardim é pequeno, mas encantador, com árvores que, com alguns jovens a conviver e miúdos a brincar. No centro, destaca-se o zimbório do Senhor do Padrão, que representa o santo padroeiro da cidade.








The Dom do Senhor do Padrão symbolizes Pelotas' deep relationship with the sea and faith, reflecting the devotion of its population to Senhor do Padrão, the city's patron saint. This space, closely linked to the fishing tradition and maritime life, maintains a solid connection with local history. The dome is undoubtedly one of the main landmarks that perpetuate this rich cultural heritage.
The area surrounding the statue is carefully maintained, with stone and grass paths.


O Zimbório do Senhor do Padrão simboliza a profunda relação de Matosinhos com o mar e a fé, sendo um reflexo da devoção da sua população ao Senhor do Padrão, santo protetor da cidade. Este espaço, estreitamente ligado à tradição pesqueira e à vida marítima, mantém uma conexão sólida com a história local. O zimbório, sem dúvida, constitui um dos principais marcos que perpetuam essa rica herança cultural
A área que circunda a estátua é cuidadosamente cuidada, com caminhos de pedras e relva.







We headed towards the beach, where the landscape took on a different tone. The entrance to Matosinhos beach is marked by a series of images of fishwives, which are one of the most representative icons of the city. The bronze statues, already aged by their proximity to the sea, show women with faces marked by hard life. They "carry" baskets of fish, some with their arms outstretched, as if they were about to hand over what they most preciously possess. These figures, present at the entrance to the beach, are a testament to the city's relationship with the sea and its maritime history.
Its figures, so simple and at the same time so full of symbolism, are part of the legacy of Matosinhos and its fishing tradition.


Seguimos em direção à praia, onde a paisagem tomou outro tom. A entrada para a praia de Matosinhos é marcada por uma série de imagens de peixeiras, que são um dos ícones mais representativos da cidade. As estátuas de bronze, já envelhecidas pela proximidade com o mar, apresentam mulheres com os rostos marcados pela vida dura Elas "carregam" cestos de peixe, algumas com os braços estendidos, como se estivessem prestes a entregar o que mais preciosamente possuem. Essas figuras, presentes na entrada da praia, são um testemunho da relação da cidade com o mar e com a sua história marítima.
As suas figuras, tão simples e ao mesmo tempo tão carregadas de simbolismo, fazem parte do legado de Matosinhos e da sua tradição pesqueira.








As we got closer to the beach, the view of the sea became more evident. The horizon stretched ahead, with the sky and ocean merging into one.
The beach was almost deserted, with a few brave souls taking their last dip of the year.
The cold of the afternoon, combined with the heat of the sun, created a perfect contrast. The walk through that setting, the Jardim do Senhor do Padrão, the fishmongers at the entrance to the beach and the sea in front of us, were the perfect farewell to 2024.


À medida que nos aproximávamos da praia, a vista do mar era mais evidente. O horizonte estendia-se à frente, com o céu e o oceano a fundirem-se num só.
A praia, estava quase deserta, com alguns valentes a darem o ultimo mergulho do ano.
O frio da tarde, combinado com o calor do sol, criava um contraste perfeito. O passeio por aquele cenário, o Jardim do Senhor do Padrão, as peixeiras na entrada da praia e o mar à nossa frente, foram a despedida perfeita de 2024.

I hope you enjoyed.
See you around.
Wishing you much peace and health

Those who pass by us do not go alone. They leave a bit of themselves, taking a piece of us."
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.


"The Template cover used in this post is from Canva - Created by Misia"

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest

5.483 NEOXAG


I heard the name Portugal is very beautiful but today I saw in your post how beautiful this place is.

0.000 NEOXAG

What a beautiful and serene way to spend New Year's Eve! Definitely adding this to my list of must-visit places.

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello @jmjourneys! It was indeed and i belive that is one fine way to end the year! Glad you liked it 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

The photos of the building are so incredibly beautiful, I really enjoyed and was entertained by them ❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

Hi there @suarlex! Thank U so much for you comment and for stopping by 🤗

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