Coffee with milk and almond smoothie./Café con licuado de leche y almendras.
I am pleased to invite you to have a good hot coffee, with the addition of blended milk with almonds, this drink is very easy to prepare, which besides being energizing is very nutritious. For its elaboration, we previously soak the almonds for a few hours, then we add 1/2 glass of water in the blender container, the amount of almonds and powdered milk, proceeding to the liquefaction of the referred mixture, which is then poured into a very hot coffee, add sugar to taste, a few drops of vanilla, mix and consume such a distinguished preparation. Join me in the described drink and check how pleasant and energizing it is.
For the preparation of such a distinguished drink, 10 grams of ground coffee, 10 grams of powdered milk, 15 grams of almonds, a glass of water, a few drops of vanilla and sugar to taste are required.
The planned drink is prepared in the following way; initially the planned amount of almonds is soaked for 8 hours, in order to soften them, to facilitate their liquefaction. In the blender container add 1/2 glass of water, then add the almonds and the planned amount of milk.
Next, we proceed to blend the previous products; the almonds with the milk and once the preparation is ready, we preserve it in a glass while we prepare the hot coffee.
In a container, add enough water, place it on the stove, until the liquid boils, in order to prepare the hot coffee.
In a strainer, we add the foreseen amount of ground coffee, to which we add the very hot water, achieving the preparation of the coffee.
The coffee previously prepared, we add it in a cup, up to half of it, to proceed later to the addition of the milk liquefied with the almond, as shown in the following photographs.
To the previous preparation, we add the amount of sugar to taste. It is also advisable to add a few drops of vanilla. Finally, we gently stir the exquisite recipe of hot coffee with milk and almonds.
It is very pleasant to present the coffee very hot, with the addition of milk blended with almonds.
With your permission, it is a great pleasure to taste the hot coffee with the milk and almond smoothie.
Friends, hoping that the aforementioned preparation has been of your maximum pleasure, I thank you for your receptivity and continuous visits, subscribing to you, with much affection. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from the city of Cumaná in the state of Sucre-Venezuela.
The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Samsung Galaxy A10s cell phone and the publication is my own.
Tengo el agrado de invitarlos, a tomar un buen café caliente, con el agregado de leche licuada con almendras, la citada bebida es muy fácil de preparar, la cual además de ser energizante es muy nutritiva. Para su elaboracíon, previamente remojamos horas anteriores las almendras, luego añadimos 1/2 vaso con agua en el envase de la licuadora, la cantidad prevista de almendras y de leche en polvo, procediendo a la licuación de la referida mezcla, la cual es vertida posteriormente a un cafecito bien caliente, agregamos azúcar al gusto, unas gotas de vainilla, mezclamos y consumimos tan distinguida preparación. Acompáñenme en la descrita bebida y comprueben lo agradable y energizante que es.
Para la preparación, de tan distinguida bebida, se requieren, 10 gramos de café molido, 10 gramos de leche en polvo, 15 gramos de almendras, un vaso con agua, unas gotas de vainilla y azúcar al gusto
Se prepara la bebida planificada, de la siguiente manera; inicialmente se ponen 8 horas en remojo la cantidad prevista de almendras, con la finalidad de ablandarlas, para facilitar su licuación. En el envase de la licuadora agregamos 1/2 vaso con agua, seguidamente añadimos las almendras y la cantidad planificada de leche.
A continuación, procedemos al licuado de los productos anteriores; las almendras con la leche y al tener lista la descrita preparación, la preservamos en un vaso, mientras elaboramos el café caliente.
En un envase, agregamos agua suficiente, lo colocamos en la hornilla de la cocina, hasta lograr que hierva el citado líquido, con la finalidad de preparar el café bien caliente.
En un colador, añadimos la cantidad prevista de café molido, al cual agregamos el agua bien caliente, logrando la preparación del café.
El café preparado anteriormente, lo agregamos en una taza, hasta la mitad de ella, para proceder posteriormente al añadido de la leche licuada con la almendra, conforme se muestra en las siguientes fotografías.
A la elaboración anterior, realizamos el agregado de la cantidad de azúcar al gusto. Así mismo, es recomendable añadir unas gotas de vainilla. Finalmente, removemos suavemente la exquisita receta de café caliéntico, con leche y almendras.
Es muy grato, presentar el café bien caliente, con el agregado de leche licuada con almendras.
Con el permiso de ustedes, es un grato placer, degustar el café bien caliente con el licuado de leche y almendras.
Amigos, esperando que la citada preparación haya sido de su máximo agrado, les agradezco su receptividad y continuas visitas, suscribiéndome a ustedes, con mucho afecto. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz desde la ciudad de Cumaná en el estado Sucre-Venezuela.
Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Nancy de Rojas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A10s y la publicación es de mi autoría.
Amigo que delicioso, ya se me antojo uno asi, gracias por compartir, excelentes receta. Saludos.
Que bien, además de delicioso es muy nutritivo. Gracias por su visita.
Saludos amigo, feliz culminación de semana e inicio de una llena de bendiciones.
Hey there!
A virtual coffee shop, a warm community!
The Coffee Team
Thank you for such a nice welcome. I will always wish you much success.
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Thank you for your recommendations. I always do my best, even not to use photos with the same clothes from other publications. In any case your advice is always very good.
That coffee looks delicious with this almond milk, my friend. A healthy and nutritious recipe. Greetings
El café con leche es una de mis bebidas favoritas en especial en estas fechas donde llueve y hace frio en algunas regiones de Venezuela. Que lo disfrute mi estimado!
Gracias amigo, con almendras licuadas es muy nutritivo. Saludos.
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¡Felicidades! Esta publicación obtuvo upvote y fue compartido por @la-colmena, un proyecto de Curación Manual para la comunidad hispana de Hive que cuenta con el respaldo de @curie.
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Gracias estimados de la @la-colmena por resaltar mi publicación y valorarla muy bien. Éxitos.
I believe this drink is very very good, enjoy it
I have had coffee with almond milk, it has a good flavor, it takes some work to make the milk since the almonds must be soaked but it is worth the effort.
I wish you a happy night
That's right, soaking the almonds makes them turgid, softens them and makes them easier to blend without the need to cut them. Coffee, with milk and almond smoothie, besides being tasty, is very nutritious. Thank you for your visit.
Where there is coffee there is blissful refreshment. I am following you all the way. And waiting to appear here. The Hive waits for lively hivers after all.
Assalamu Alaikum how are you? I hope you are feeling refreshed with your great moment coffee cup. Today this extraordinary feeling is very happily added to the wood by supporting itself. Creator is always a great feeling that we all feel. Each step is presented in a smooth manner which I always enjoy. The combination of almonds with coffee and powdered milk is wonderful. May the creator always bless you with all abilities.
All your nice wishes for me, may they also be well deserved for you. I thank you for your words regarding my publication, in which I present a tasty coffee drink, with the milk and almond smoothie. I wish you a lot of success in Hive.
Yes my friend my family best wishes for you. But here I decided to conduct my activities. And after a few days here you and we will work together with all the families.
This liquefied coffee with almonds must be a delight. Greetings my dear @omarrojas
I will definitely write this preparation down, for future experiences, I love brewing my coffee with Artisan technique, it is a tradition inherited from our ancestors.
We are blessed to continue maintaining it, enjoying a delicious freshly brewed coffee, it is the best we can taste.
This preparation looks exquisite, the photos and his expression say that he enjoyed it to the fullest, both the preparation and the taste.
Thank you for always giving us nutritious options to prepare at home, happy blessed day, my esteemed @omarrojas
Thanks to you @neilamarcano for highlighting in such a nice way my publication. I wish you success in Hive and in this important community.
Thank you, for such nice words and for your good wishes, I appreciate it very much, a big hug. Many blessings 🤗🥰
A coffee with milk in the best style of our tradition, the coffee strained with the popular cloth sleeve and with the addition of almonds, gave it that special touch.
Thank you for your positive feedback on my publication.
Sabes, no conocí a mis abuelos y es quizás por eso que me causa mucha ternura verlo preparar ese rico café, con leche de almendras. Por cierto, las almendras son muy nutritivas y es esencial consumirla.
Gracias por compartirlo, estimado amigo.
This is a practical and simple way to taste a delicious hot coffee with almond milk.
Very ingenious your preparation my dear friend @omarrojas
I will look for the almonds to put it into practice because I am sure it is a delicious result.
Greetings, I liked the clear step by step description and the great photos.
Thank you for your positive evaluation, I have always enjoyed brewing my coffee with a cloth strainer and not using the machines to prepare coffee, because my way of doing it reminds me a lot of my parents, in their times the cloth sleeves were very favorite. Thank you for your visit.
Wow, Sr. Omar, me sorprende las distintas formas en que se puede consumir el café en el sentido de su preparación, este particularmente debe oler tan bien como debe ser su sabor, gracias por ilustrarnos.
En Hive la mente se aclara, para la creatividad. De pronto hasta me pongo a cantar, aunque no tan bien como usted.