Needing a Therapy for these endless "Audio" Pumps!


Screenshot collages of my false pumps

What else could be more painful seeing something you have worked for or pay heavily for, but can't get access to it? This article is about those investments that's meant to take us out of poverty but we ended up a knee deeper in it.

Sometimes we make mistakes, regardless of how careful you try to be. And these mistakes could come back haunting us for a very long time.

In finance; in crypto investment, the pains lingers on for the unwise investment blunders we must have committed one time or another. Or for the well researched ones that ended up being scammy projects.

In the screenshots above are some of my own very much financial blunders. Investing in crypto projects that will Rugpull is inevitable even to the most impeccable "DYORer".

The endless researches on a project before venturing into it doesn't show the evil intentions in the core developers plans, hence there's been dozens and gross of Rugpulls and exits scam in this space.

$HOKK was a shitcoin (pardon my french) I ventured into last year in the wake of Shiba Inu and the likes. Alas, it was another trap. Same goes for other shitcoins out there that traps your investment in the guise of having to migrate from one volume to another.

Since I migrated my stacks of $HOKK, I have always been on the ledge thinking my payday has arrived each time I opened the Non-custodial wallets where I kept them and see huge figures. Unfortunately those are just flase pumps which I often tagged AUDIO PUMPS!

Xpose of Xpose Protocol seems like the perfect investment, until the devs and the project owners pulled a fast one on us with a massive exit scam that took a while for us investors to figure out.

The first installation of the token was perfect, one of the rising Gems on the Binance chain ecosystem. But a massive heist was going on in the background oblivious to most investors. A few Dutch investors were aware of this criminal moves, probably as parts of the heist perhaps from their deep research of the Dutch core team.

The team created a V2 and from the shabby and very unprofessional migration that was laden with different complaints and missappropiration of tokens to migrators, it was clear that V1 was the heist and V2 was the cover up shit tokens given to us all to hold and hope for a miracle.

Fast-forward to this morning, my literally dead portfolio of Xpose tokens is showing $18,000 balance.

My luck finally came!

So I thought! Until I started researching, could it be the project resurrected after almost a year of being dead?

Perhaps they revived while all hope was lost? Those are the funny thoughts that was coming as I tried to get a Decentralized Market to see if I can swap and make some recovery of some part of my heavy losses this year.

Another false pump! To make it worse, I had connected that wallet to Binance CEX and it was the CEX showing me these figures and giving me an excruciating false hope.

These false hopes and audio pumps are very common on Binance Smart chain ecosystem projects, even though $HOKK was on Ethereum. But ERC20 and BEP20 are the same, one came out of the other hence the mishaps is common to both chain.

How long do I have to endure this Fake and false pumps?

I need to speak to a Therapist, my dwindling hope depends on it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
