We blame the Manufacturer for Defects

Hello Beautiful people of the Hive learner community

I hope this post met you all well


Cars are fascinating piece of Technology that has evolved a lot in to more creative innovation. Cars are the most popular means of transportation around the world. They have a very amazing history that dates back from olden days.
A car also know as an automobile, is a type of motor vehicle with wheels (circular shaped objects at bottom rotating at each for corners, usually made of iron, plastic and inflammable rubbers also called Tires).

Cars are usually designed to run primarily on roads,and usually a car can contain or seat one to eight people, mostly have four wheels, and then mainly transport people over cargo.There are around one billion cars that are in use worldwide.
Other type of Vehicle can used to convey more people like Bus, mini van, van e.t.c.
Other form of Vehicles includes Cargo for Moving Goods and Things from one place to anonymous like Trucks, packers and Trailers,
Some are built specifically for some reason like building roads, constructions and Others.

Cars history can be dated as far as 1769 When The French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built the first steam-powered road vehicle. Ever since then we see many progress and technological. Cars runs on Gasoline, diesel, gas, reactors and Electricity. Today we see a major advancements including self driving Cars and Ai controlled Cars.

We will be talking on the Advanced type of Car which are know as Self Driving Cars.

Self Driving Cars:

just as the name implies are Vehicle that can drive themselves without any human intervention or control. Today we have many companies building such Cars and it has been making waves on how advanced the automobile industry has gone.


Many companies have been creating a lot of Autonomous Cars, Tesla, BMW , Ford, Mercedes Benz are popular companies that have really invested much in making these amazing piece of Technology. Google projects like Waymo and Cruise are also part of the companies that produces self driving Cars. One of the Reason I love this Topic was for the fact that it opened up my eyes to learning New Things. I learnt about some wonderful Innovation going on around the world.

I was fascinated how Japan and United States have been pushing the boundaries and limit to make Technological innovation that would change the worlds Transportation for good.
One of the Advantage of a full Autonomous Car is that Accidents due to human Errors would be drastically reduced. A driverless Car would be full Equipped with sensors that would predict and effectively manage road situation for the safe movement of whoever they are carrying.


There are Set Backs in running autonomous vehicles:

The first and Major setback is the Lack of Trust. That is people don't really trust the idea, and also any failure of the sensor can lead to fatal Accident, since the Autonomous Vehicles depends solely on Sensors. Also the fear of Hacking, human can easily hack into the Vehicle system, which have really raised a lot of concerns to people. High level of Data and Internet may be needed, which only a few of the countries in the world can effectively render.

What If any Accident occurred due to the use of Autonomous Vehicles?

Well we will hold the Company that manufactured the so called smart cars. It's a no brainer, technology of such Height is definitely going to be costly and painstakingly manufacturing for the very best customer satisfaction.
In my country Nigeria, we are not prepared for this type of technology, our Road situation and our Drivers are not very law abiding. Technologically We might not be able to give out what is required for the automation to operate.

I hope you enjoyed reading, Have a great day😘

