Hangover and Aftermaths

Hello everyone in this awesome community
I hope you are doing great?

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One things I think I shy away from sometimes is drinking alcohol and partying everywhere.
It is Not that I don't like to party, the truth is that sometimes I am just avoiding pressure from friends to drink and get drunk. I have posted this some month ago, about how I get drunk on my birthday, it was a very crazy experience. I really messed up a lot and sometimes whenever I remembered those funny experiences I just laughed out loud and shake my head.
Although I heard a lot experience with being drunk, we had a lot of side hustle in school days, which includes catering services and some other ventures.
Every weekends, mostly on Saturdays we follow some chefs to different events where we take charge of drinks, foods and other take away for people.


It's always a fun and enjoyable experience, I remember one of the chief Chef; Mr Dan is a very Jovial and friendly man, He always have one party or another he controls and we have been working with him from 100 level in our university day, Mr Dan once put me in charge of Drinks, I was so happy and over joyous because, I would have a lot of drinks at the end of the day to carry home. So at the end of the day I was able to carry a lot of drinks, alcoholic and a little non alcoholic too. I carry one of my favourite Alcoholic drink, the name of the drink is Origin Bitters, I drank 3 bottles that evening and at the end of the day, I started seeing double lol, but that particular time I was able to control myself but I had an experience that is so critical that I can't even control my self, I was super drunk.

How did I get drunk?


So it all started a day before my birthday in University, so my friends have always planned for my birthday, for special birthday treat like bathing me with cold water and other things like powder, garri or any funny stuff on the day of my birthday and also throw a party on the evening of that day.

So just as they planned in the morning of my birthday, I haven't even gone out of bed, when something really cold woke me up, before I know I jumped out of bed, every where is just wet with water, my friend have already came with some bucket of water and sachet water to splash on me for my birthday, before they can launch another attack of splashing more water, I ran out the house with speed, they nearly ran close to me but I found a way to escape them, I didn't go back to my hostel until more than 2 hours lol.


I thought I really escaped them but when I go back home, my friends were still waiting for me at home.
I plead with them, before they can finally let me go freely.
On the evening of my birthday, my friends already setup a mini party at home. I brought one 20 litres of Palm wine, I also gave some cash to my friends, my friends without telling me brought a very powerful alcoholic drinks, Magic Moment, that drink was missed with it, after that I was forced to drink for more than 4 times, the next experience was crazy, I got super drunk to the extent of calling my Dad and some other lecturers that I had their contact.

It was a crazy experience. I won't try drinking or getting drunk again.

I hope you enjoy and have a great day 😘



Sometimes it is better to shy away from parties than see a video of yourself later on.
