An Unforgettable Experience with Hackers


Goodday everyone in this great community.

I hope this post met you all well.


Cyber security is a very important aspect of the Internet that can not be overemphasized.

The internet is a very vast space of computers connected all over the world. Information and data flow every where and different kind of people are using the internet for various reasons or purposes.

Some people use the internet as their space for work, others for pleasures, others for news and finally some took it as a full time job to scam people of their hard earned money.
One of the main reason people fall for such theft and fraud can be due to many reasons ranging from greediness, lack of information and scammers craftiness and cunning plan to take advantage of people.

I am from Nigeria, and here we have a lot of people using the internet for their legitimate businesses, the social media and news and entertainment pages are really blooming, all thanks to the internet but over here too, some very bad people are scamming people worldwide and this has caused a big stain on Nigerian people globally.


I was once a victim of scam,it was an extremely painful experience and I don't pray to have that kind of unfortunate experience again.
My laptop was hacked, a malware entered my laptop and the results was very devastating.

How did it happened?
We'll just like I told you in the beginning of this post that people fall victim of scam because of their greediness,
Yes I was very greedy, here is what I did.
I was trying to download free stuffs on the internet and then I literally spend almost 5 hours scanning through different websites that are not in particular good to visit, those websites contains alot of viruses and Malware due to the fact that most of all those free websites are run by hackers and scammers.

I never think of the disadvantages of visiting all those unsafe sites and then I downloaded a ransomeware.
A Ransomeware are those type of malware that enters your computer and then encrypts all your files and then make it unaccessible until you pay the hackers.

I was greedy and then after downloading that evil virus on my laptop all my files, videos, audio and games got corrupted, I tried everything possible to get my files back to yo no avail.
I even downloaded antivirus software and paid some money, after installing them they couldn't remove the encryption and them I was not able to retrieve my files back.
I lost some important documents too.
In total almost 300 gigabyte of data was corrupted and no way to retrieve them back.

I even messaged the hacker, asking him how much he wants jokingly, that hacker told me to send him $500 (Five Hundred dollars). That was a very crazy attempt though lol. I couldn't even afford $100 (A hundred dollars) as of that time.

At the End I formatted the computer, installed and antivirus before the laptop can start working again.

In Conclusion: I learnt the hard way, never to visit unsafe and free sites, I lost all my files

Thanks for visiting ❤️


Ahhhh $500 to gain lost files? Maybe the hacker thought you have a billion worth of info in your files 😅 that's a really crazy amount.

We learn lessons everyday, we only pray we don't go the hard way to learn them... Sorry about your experience 🥲


During that time that money to me is like 2 million Naira
