Weighted Bonds


I needed a place to stay for at least two weeks. My school would oddly only allocate rooms on campus to students weeks after the resumption date. There was hardly anyone that could take me in for that long other than an old friend back in secondary school. Took me in and treated me like a brother. The interesting thing was that we weren't even all that close back then.

"Onward together" was our motto back then in the military school we attended. We took it seriously, and we somehow developed this mindset of sticking with each other no matter what, especially back then. Everything we experienced together forged a connection within us all. And it still works now, even after so many years since we all graduated.

That really is how it is with people in general. You meet people, become tight with some of them over time, and then bonds are formed, some of them even lasting for life.

Many would say that "blood is thicker than water," suggesting that family ties are stronger than any other type of relationship, but the reality I have seen is that this really isn't the case most of the time. Although you could find really strong relationships between siblings or between some kinds of family members, such a thing can also be found with people that aren't even related at all. One thing that is common between both categories is shared experiences and the impacts of those experiences.

It usually isn't enough to know people and deem who to truly call a friend in little time. People can be different in different seasons, and seeing many of their sides helps to assess people better, which often takes time.

When a considerable amount of time passes and there are many shared experiences that have allowed both parties to deeply understand the other person, and a true bond is formed, you'll find that what they have is probably way stronger than what they may have with some relatives.

People sometimes like when things validate their misaligned entitlement, so using the quote "blood is thicker than water" becomes very convenient in times of need. The first thing that often comes to mind for that quote is that relations should always come first. Sadly, the rule doesn't apply to them when the tables are turned.

In reality, "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" implies the opposite from what is usually interpreted from the former quote, that the relations we choose are far stronger than the ones that we inherit. At the end of the day, it's about the bonds that are tested and proven over time.

Image belongs to me

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Some friends can be called family, if they've shown us through their action that they will stick with us through it all.

Some family members even desert their own when the going gets tough, who ever sticks around to the end is family.


Heh... Let's not even talk about family members that desert their own. The story is long. We've seen that over and over on the internet.


I love that second quote. At times the people we meet can end up building stronger bonds than some members of the family


Yes, man. And we see it happen everyday.


To me, bloodline goes beyond paternal family. Don't know if you are a researcher of the Bible, even Jesus said his disciples are his true brother. I do not joke with anyone that sees my values be it a stranger or not, that to me is bloodline


Word, man. People that value you and are willing to stick no matter the weather should be held close.


Yeah, it's true that blood is thicker than water.... but from experience there are water that are as thick as blood, or even thicker.

In fact, in some people's reality the waters in their life are thicker than all their blood


Yes, my bro. That definitely happens. We surely have family members than turned besties for life. But then again, it's more about "choosing the relationship" and not just about being related [alone].


Best regards @olujay
You bring us to the dissertation, to exalt and spruce up in the group discursive gathering, how our experiences release their effectiveness in our interventions in daily life and how they can be conditioners and determinants of our actions, transforming our purposes of application to life. This contributes to blurring patterns, rules, or stereotypes in which family relationships may be embedded. You stamp and sketch for us the tangible representation that in its course reinforces once again that absolute truth does not exist. Because each one of us is the owner of his truth and claims legitimacy, own and valid from the kaleidoscopic making, so the sum of the parts will always be greater than the whole, in this chaotic and turbulent flow of our existential journey.
On behalf of the team #ThoughtfulDailyPost we thank you for your participation and contribution to our weekly call. Health and well-being to you and yours !LUV

Saludos @olujay
Nos traes a la disertación, para exaltar y acicalar en la tertulia discursiva grupal, cómo nuestras vivencias liberan su eficacia en nuestras intervenciones en la vida cotidiana y cómo pueden ser condicionantes y determinantes de nuestras acciones, transformando nuestros propósitos de aplicación a la vida. Esto contribuye a desdibujar patrones, reglas o estereotipos en los que pueden estar enclavadas las relaciones familiares. Nos estampas y esbozas la representación tangible que en su transcurso refuerza una vez más que la verdad absoluta no existe. Porque cada uno de nosotros es dueño de su verdad y reclama legitimidad, propia y válida desde el caleidoscópico hacer, por lo que la suma de las partes siempre será mayor que el todo, en este caótico y turbulento fluir de nuestro viaje existencial.
En nombre del equipo #ThoughtfulDailyPost te agradecemos tu participación y contribución a nuestra convocatoria semanal. Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.


I appreciate the kind words. I feel encouraged to come around regularly.
