A Happy Sublime and Beautiful Sunday from Michigan for a Change
Happy Sunday, y'all !
Well it has been a year since I moved from Michigan. The only property I had left in Michigan was our old jet ski, so we decided to take a few days to go retrieve it. Funny that in all of the 55 plus years I lived in Michigan I never went to Calder Farms but I always wanted to. Hence we made it a point to stop by there while we were in the North. They make divine ice cream and sell other dairy products there. They also have an extensive petting farm.
As you can clearly see, their animals never missed many meals lol.
They have a variety of old farm implements on display.
This old Minneapolis Moline tractor may not do much work anymore, but it sure makes for a good sunshade for some of the critters.
Future Farmer Ben lol?
The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!
Sadly this bugger got his head through but could not pull it back out because of the shape of and length of his horns. Thankfully we had a doctor in our group and he was first to recognize this goat was in distress. I incorrectly thought that surely he would be able to work his head out of the fence. I had assumed that he probably had done this before and was able to sort it out. However when we reported the situation to the staff, we quickly learned that this was not the case. Our doctor friend really has a heart for animals and was instrumental in helping the staff rescue this goat from his predicament.
I hope you all have a great week ahead!
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A whole year ! Wow....if someone would have asked me, I would have never guessed that long. Time sure flys.
That is funny and interesting that you visited somewhere that you had never visited before after all those years.
haha, some of those animals really look well-fed.
So, when is Ben buying a farm?