The chemist experience
Today it was really a nice outing for me today too ..
Like i officially had to go stay with my mum at her chemist shop,
For some reasons i have been avoiding there because of some memories i had there earlier this year before i went back to school ..
My mum being a nurse alway makes sure she gets to treat us her self too and that has made non of my siblings to ever visit any hospital or even lab.
Well my funny experience with why i hardly go visit her there is because she doesn't joke with giving us injections..
Like anytime we fall sick her next option will be to give us injections..
And me ,i I'm so scared of injections like ..
Its part of the reasons i run from her and the chemist,
Well that still didn't stop her from giving us the injections when we fall sick at home though 😂,
The only good thing is that we won't have to visit her at the chemist for her to give it to us.
So its been months o visited her at the chemist though the only person that goes there is my younger brother that is studying optometry.
So i just decided to visit her and check out most of the drugs there too ,
Indeed theres always a kind of air that fills a chemist fill of drugs too ..
And at last i just had to stay with her all day helping and attending to some few people ,
And this pictures are some of the few drugs i sold too 🤭.
Hoping to come back again some day again.
Hola @oilprinzz encantado de estar aquí. Agradecida por tu presencia en nuestra comunidad, espero que te sientas cómoda y bienvenida . Siéntete privilegiada por tener un personal sanitario cerca de ti y mejor aún que sea tu madre. Te entiendo perfectamente, yo de pequeña también rehuía las inyecciones. Gracias por contribuir a nuestra comunidad con tu experiencia de un día en la farmacia de tu madre.
Te invitamos a participar en nuestras reuniones semanales y mensuales, por favor, únete a nosotros.
Feliz semana para ti y los tuyos.
Thanks alot for the for the comments,
Its really amazing sharing my experience with the community too..
There are alot of experiences i have been getting lately just by being there with her anyways,
Will really enjoy being in your community to share more of my experience too