Why don't we have a Rorschach series yet? the most badass character in Watchmen

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Hello everybody
Have you ever watched Watchmen? I'm not referring to the damn series on HBO, but the movie in question, since the series that doesn't make any sense to what is presented in the context of the comic book universe, I understand that it's just based on the same although I don't understand the why not add some key characters from the story to the series, I'm here to talk about my favorite character from this plot: Walter Kovacs - The Rorschach

More about Watchmen

Although in the acclaimed film I mentioned the plot is summarized and focused on the death of one of the "heroes" The Comediant, one of the last heroes in action in the Cold War, however he is murdered in his home and found by our character Walter Kovacs (Rorschach) who begins his search for answers to this crime, in addition to the characters Dr.Manhatan - Owl - Spectral - Ozymandias

The film was released in 2009 with the direction of Zack Snyder

Learn more about Rorschach

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Walter Kovacs is one of Rorschach's "distinguished alter-egos" in the plot, he manages to carry the entire film on his back as he is mostly at the forefront of the plot and action scenes, a great detective and combatant in the fight , in addition to using good improvisation to persuade the bad guys to "give tips", but there is something else that involves this disturbed mind of Walter, son of a prostitute mother and not knowing his father suffered a lot in childhood made him disturbed and vengeful. which is today.

"Carcass of run over dog found in the alley this morning. This city is afraid of me because I know its true face. The streets are extensions of the blood-filled gutters. When the sewer pipes fill with blood, all the worms will drown. The accumulated filth of sex and crime will envelop prostitutes and politicians, who will turn their eyes upwards, begging… ‘Save us!’… and I will whisper ‘No!’ from above."
Watchmen HQ - DC Comics

At first his focus was only on arresting the bad guys, he even tells his psychiatrist that his personality Walter was good, he left the bandits alive to be released by the damn corrupt police, however his personality Rorschach had no mercy on murderers, robbers, corrupt, bandits and psychopaths who according to the law were "sick people" and had no conviction of their actions, he sent them underground without a second thought.

In 1975 at the HQ he was employed to investigate a disappearance of a 6 year old girl, after a few days he got information that led to an abandoned house where he finds some girl clothes and comes across 2 dogs eating what appeared to be human bones , he kills both dogs with a cleaver while hiding them and waiting for the resident of that house, after the suspect arrives Rorschach confronts him and ends up knocking him down and trapping him in an iron pipe, the guy confesses to killing the girl and abusing her , however, tells him that he has "mental problems" and needs to be arrested, but Rorschach is not there as a policeman and ends up handing him a saw to cut his arm and ends up escaping as Rorschach sets fire to the whole place and just goes out the door. front door while the criminal burns in the flames, that day Walter Kovacs ended up dying, so Rorschach ended up becoming more than a personality.

"The night I heard the news... The night I heard 38 people did nothing... It was the night I put on the mask. I never wanted to see my face in the mirror again. Ashamed to be part of the race. human. So I'm not. Not anymore."
Watchmen HQ - DC Comics

I really wish they would still think about creating a series for this character, based on the "before Watchmen" since there's a lot of history that hasn't been presented about this character, and what they did with his mask in the Watchmen series is crap utter nonsense.
