The expansion that never happened.

"I would like to take a risk, and I would like us all to support my decision." My dad said after he called for a meeting


"What type of risk, and how high is the risk?" My mom asked with a look on her face, showing that even she was not informed.

"You all know this single stream of income ever since mom stopped working has been affecting the family's finances. So I would like to start up an importation business, and from there we can expand and have other branches and even a provision store in the family's name." My dad responded

My mom had to quit her nursing job to enable her look after the family properly. Sometimes I feel like it was the wrong thing to do, but sometimes I appreciate her sacrifice, for it has shaped us into what we are today. She started a small boutique that soon closed up because my dad, who was a soldier, was posted to a new station. She had to make another sacrifice of closing down again and is now a full-time housewife, and we all had to depend completely on my dad's little salary, which was not even enough.

"Starting up an importation business is a good idea, but how do you intend to start as you will need both capital and somebody to guide you through until you become a master of your own? How about a business we can start up immediately and not have to go through a very long process?" My mom asked

"Instead of building a house with the savings like we discussed, I would use the money to start up this business, and even you, Kachi, would have to wait until next year before you apply for college. By then, the business would have blossomed, and finances won't be an issue for you to further. Also about the guidance, the pastor in church told me about a brother Matthew that is into importation too, so I would meet him for all the information I will be needing." My dad responded

That day was one of the saddest days of my life, seeing my mates further to college while I had to wait for a whole year for a business we are not even sure of, but we were so optimistic and hoping that it does because if it doesn't then the consequences would be grievous and would affect family's finances in ways that words cannot express, but we were willing to take the risk. A few weeks later, my dad set up a meeting with my brother Matthew.

"Brother Matthew said it takes about two months or even more for imported goods to arrive, so I have handed him the money, and he would be bringing our goods alongside his since he is out of stocks too." My dad said when he came back home after the meeting.

"So we have to wait for two months? That's a lot of waiting." My mom said with a look since she wanted a business that would kick off almost immediately.

"Yes. We will wait, and he will keep me posted on everything until we finally get what we ordered." My dad responded with a tone not so nice but had to calm down since we were watching.

Two months passed and no word from brother Matthew; he stopped coming to church and disappeared completely. They called him several times, but he wouldn't pick up; they had to rush to the pastor to get more information about him.

"I haven't heard or seen him in a few weeks. I hope it is not what I am thinking. I am headed out now; tomorrow we will look for him at his house and his shop." The pastor said as he dismissed them.

"See you tomorrow then." My dad said with his heart racing.

He came back home with a long face and is now regretting and wishing he followed my mom's advice because the handwriting is already bold that he had fallen for a scammer disguised as a church member and was waiting for his victim, which he has ended up as. The following day they went to his shop and could not find him.


"Hi, we are looking for the guy that sells electronics; he's a bit tall; this was meant to be his shop, but it is now empty; even his house is now deserted." My dad and the pastor asked one of the men selling electronics.

"Matthew? He left in a hurry about two or three weeks ago; he was out of stocks and just auctioned the few things left in his shop and closed down." The man responded

"Any idea where he went to?" They asked

"No, it was his choice to shut down, and I cannot go involving myself in his personal business like asking why." The trader said as he went back to his business.

It turned out to be that Matthew ran away with all the money he was given to start up the business for my dad. My furthering to college was on hold, and the hope of it ever happening was not in sight. The expansion we had in mind too was never going to happen since we needed to start before we expanded. This experience taught my family and me to never count out chickens before they hatch.


Certainly a family is there to support each other, but also to help you see what you cannot see on your own. How sad that because of someone's financial mismanagement, everyone suffers. Greetings


Everyone suffers for a single man's mistake.


It is really hard if your financial source is crippled. It's saddening that there are people like Matthew who feed on the hopes of other people. I hope he gets the karma he deserves. I really hate it when people deceive other people who had so much hope in life. Thanks for sharing such an insightful story, @offia66. I hope you and your family are doing well now.


We are doing okay now, we managed to bounce back.


I feel like if he paid attention to your mom it would have taken a better turn. But still life is about taking risk, but one should be aware and prepare for the risk.


Exactly,if only he had listened to her. Thanks for dropping by and welcome to hive
