Not everything you see on the news is true.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. Growing up, I never tuned in to listen to the news on my own; it was my dad's favorite channel, and since he has the final say, we were all forced to listen to the news often against our wishes. Along the line, we had to start enjoying it as kids, especially those news stories that had to do with wars and showing armed terrorists since we liked action movies but did not know the type of havoc war causes until we had a little experience of what it feels like.


Before the days where one can listen to the news on television, my dad had a radio that never goes off, and it is painful how he uses a very high volume to listen to it such that he can be on the balcony and still hear all they say, and when we finally got a television, my dad would go from Al-Jazeera, to BBC, to CNN, and whenever one channel goes on break or starts a weather forecast, he switches to the other, and it is like a continuous circle as he never gets tired of it, so as long as you live in our house, you must love listening to the news, whether willingly or forcefully.

Now, as a result of how we grew up with a news lover forcefully, every once in a while I tune into the news channel on my own, and even while scrolling through the internet, I do visit news handles since I currently don't have access to television. Tuning in to listen to the news keeps one updated about happenings around them and around the globe. Listening to the news is one of the ways to stay updated, and technology has even made a lot easier as you no longer need a television to stay in touch with the world.

Is everything said on the news true?

Well, truth be told, not everything said on the news is true; sometimes I feel like certain news is being manipulated, probably by people in power or the broadcasting channel just wants to hide certain things. Believing everything said on the news is really not a good idea; sometimes people are being misled by the things said on the news, and with the latest improvements on technology, people are easily misled by the news, and funny how these fake news or rumors travel fast.


Sometime back when we were living in the northern part of the country with my dad, a soldier, before the whole boko haram terrorism started in Yobe State, where we live, we used to live peacefully and coexist with each other peaceful until these terrorists launched their first attack in nearby local government, claiming the lives of many civilians and soldiers. This was their first attack, so they took people off guard, and it was bloody. We lost 10 soldiers, and the number of civilians lost was so high, but funny how the news said only 2 soldiers died and a few civilians.

It was from that day that I realized not everything said on the news is true; sometimes they try to make the situation a bit mild compared to the way it really is or don't want to cause panic, or some people just don't want the general public to know the truth. So not everything said on the news is true.


It seems listening to radio tends to be the habit of most older men because my dad does the same when we were kids, in fact it is the sound of the radio that wakes the whole household before morning devotion.

The media has a way making sure the information broadcasted is for their own benefits, it is no longer about informing members of the public about the happenings in our society but to manipulate our perspective about some things in our environment. I mean they have a way of turning protesters to hoodlums in their stories.


Then I always waited for when they talk about sports, that is the one that really concerns me 😂


I really don't know why they always manipulate the information before sharing it with us, but all I know is that whatever they must have edited or removed is for their benefit and not for people watching the news because, as humans, we want facts and not manipulated stories.


They just just tell us what they want us to hear, keeping every other information to themselves.


when it come to media in my country is not accurate most times i don't balm the media the have to be careful of the things the say,


Our country's case is not so different from others in this case.


The so-called electronic news media us also full of wrong news sometimes. This is why you'd see from time to time how some major newspapers would have to apologise to the public or affected persons for defamation.


Exactly, had a major newspaper was sued sometime ago, it is cases like this that always leads to such.
