He was not poisoned after all.

Many people have this mentality where people cannot fall sick naturally; they just believe that there must be spiritual powers at play whenever they or their family members fall sick, and for that reason they just keep barking up the wrong tree. It is bad to see people blame the wrong people or things for the things that befell them or are currently happening in their lives, it is really funny how some people always need somebody to put the blame on whenever something happens.


"Hi, I am Sarah, and we just moved here, and I'd really need a friend." Our new neighbor said to me

"I am Kachi; if you need a friend, I am your guy." I said with a big smile on my face, even though I am not the type of person that likes my privacy being invaded.

Sarah and her family just moved in but are always on their own and don't want to associate with the other neighbors except for Sarah, who is very stubborn and, despite all the warnings from her parents, still wanted us to be close friends. Sometimes they come back from work and see us together, and I could clearly see this look of disdain in their eyes, but I just cannot kick Sarah out as all attempts to do that were in vain.

"My parents keep saying they smell jealousy in the area, which is why they want to stay on their own before jealousy will push somebody into doing something harmful to them." Sarah said to me one Saturday evening

"I doubt if that is even true; we have been living here for at least 7 years, and I will tell you that such a thing does not exist. As we have all lived in peace and harmony all these years, then why will your family's case be any different?" I asked her

"Well, I don't know, and they actually suspect the family that lives over there to be one of those that can harm them." Sarah said, pointing at the house where they feel danger can come from.

A few months after they moved in, her dad fell ill, to the point of not being able to walk again. He had swollen legs and pains from his waist down, and the same household they said they were scared of were accused of poisoning their dad and to the point of being confronted by Sarah's mom.

"You think whatever it is you have planned out will work out for you? Never, that which you sent to kill my husband will backfire at you." Sarah's mom said with a loud voice standing in front of the neighbor's house; she kept shouting until she was dragged back into their own house.

After receiving herbal medication for a very long time without any sign of recovery, he was taken to a private hospital nearby, where the doctors confirmed he has arthritis, which is the reason for everything. After a few days of treatment, he could walk.


"The doctors said it's arthritis and nothing like poison; this simply means we have been barking up the wrong tree." Sarah said to me after a visit to her dad at the hospital.

"You guys got the wrong feeling about this neighborhood; barking up the wrong tree and accusing them of something like that was a stain on their name, and I think a genuine apology would do." I responded

"I will talk to my mom about that and make her see things as they are. We have to either give accepting the neighborhood a try or we move out to somewhere else because I cannot keep living like an outcast." Sarah said as we parted ways

A few weeks later, her dad was out of the hospital; her mom made a public apology, and a few months later they moved out.


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I think people who just stay and think people are jealous of them for no reason have a problem.
And they were meant to go to the hospital first before assuming anything.


Exactly what they should have done before concluding but they first caused drama and made the neighborhood look bad.


I understand because I also know many people like that. Sometimes it's distrust, superstition or paranoia. It must be stressful to live like that, believing that there is evil everywhere. Greetings


I appreciate you stopping by. Thank you..


I'm not surprised because I have also encountered families like this with a myopic sense of reasoning. They incline too much spirituality in everything and will not hesitate to rain down fire! anytime, anyday.

It's too bad your friendship with Sarah was short-lived.


We have a lot of them, seen families break because a pastor said something in church. They just need to see more than what they are told.


Sarah's father wasn't even offered any gift from the suspected neighbor, so how could he have executed the act? Good thing Sarah's mom made a public apology. It is still wrong to assume people are the reason for something negative happening in our lives.


Since it only affected the legs, they were suggesting it was buried and he stepped on it. Some people just like to put blame on others.
