Both parents and the owners of the platform have a role to play.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. As the world and technology continue to evolve, you come to realize that a lot of things that used to be an abomination and mostly done in secret are now becoming normal and are now done in public for everyone to see, and you get to see people cheering this act instead of condemning it. The same act has hit the internet and all social media platforms. These days, it is very difficult to scroll through the internet or any social media content and come across explicit content.


These days, with every given opportunity, my dad will remind me how things were during their time as kids and youths and how decency was the order of the day, but today it is the complete opposite of that. Recent happenings sometimes leave me, who is of this generation, in shock, and I am left asking myself questions like, How did we get here? Things that should be kept secret are now said in public, and people applaud and support them. Where are we really headef? Sometimes I don't want to believe that the evolution of our world and technology has done more harm than good.

The number of underage kids who surf the internet and own social media accounts will leave you shocked, which makes posting explicit contents on social media platforms an inappropriate thing to do as it exposes these underage kids to certain things before they even come of age. I read an anonymous tweet on Twitter now about how she watched explicit content from an uncle's phone at the age of 9 and tried to practice all she saw in the video with her little cousin, who is 5 years old, and now she is regretting it even though she was not aware of what she was doing. Those days it was hard to come by, but today it is seen everywhere on social media.

People who post this content have seen what our world has turned into; they are so obsessed with social media fame, and they have seen that you can easily get a lot of people's attention with this uncensored content. Since their aim is to grow their account, they go the extra mile to get whatever they want, not minding what happens or who their actions affect negatively, so they post this uncensored content and get what they want at the detriment of others, especially kids. Sometimes I don't blame parents who say a kid must be at least 18 before they can own a phone in their homes; at least that way, the child is completely in charge of whatever they decide to consume on the internet.

Looking at it from an angle, both parents and the owners of the platform have a role to play as to what kids consume from their platform and the internet. Parents ought to monitor what their kids do on the internet, the sites visited, and the contents that they watch on the internet. While the owners of the platform are to scrutinize every piece of content posted on their platform and make sure it is safe for consumption by both kids and adults, it is the role of the owners of the platform to ensure that their platform is safe, especially when there is no age limit on access to the platform, which simply means kids can visit too.


It is the duty of the owners of the platform to ensure that it is a safe space. Sometimes I like the recent development on Facebook; the platform is now so strict that a single post or comment can leave you pleading to get your account back for weeks. If there is no age limit on how to access the platform, the owners need to make it a priority to ensure that their platform is safe, as parents will not always be available to control and monitor the platforms that their child visits and spends time on.


I agree with you that there are many people out their who are attention seekers and they don't care what they post online, in as much as they get the attention they are seeking.

Also, the parent plays a very big role in monitor and choosing what they children will watch if not they will be exposed to some dangerous content out there. !BBH !DOOK


Parent need to monitor what their kids on the net, it is bad to just leave the kids without checking what they're up to..

Thanks for stopping by..


The world is what it is. And that’s how we just have to keep revolving around it. Technology and media has turned a lot of things upside down and there no more shame in the society and humanity at large. So I would say it’s the role of parents to know how they caution their kids about the content they consume.


Things have really changed thanks to social media and the internet, people just do things without thinking on the internet..
