Hunting the Holes.
Only the earthen understand's the Holes, the fearless reach out with their hands down the earth to get a catch. Not sent but always seen hustling for a daily bread, when the bread is down the earth then the heat of the day goes down on once head. What a sweet meat!
The bush rabbits are a set of meat that the poor go after yet sweeter than the best of the wealthy, the holes are not safe at times but smoking them is with once might. Oh, hunting the holes is fun, the proceeds from the holes is meant for the strong. Their are tragedy in some holes, as deadly creatures are hid in them at times, snakes 🐍, scorpions, gaint aints and many others. All these can't stop the hunting Men from the runs.
Bush rat is what some call them, they are a great deal of meal when properly prepared, but to get one the raise may not be easy, unless traps are involved.
The big holes may house a set, the male, female and the little ones. The lucky may get this, the holes are the smart and wise hunters.