The Beauty of a Snowy Morning ❄️・:*:。・:*:・゚❄️Ljepota snježnog jutra
I thought winter was over and while I was looking forward to spring, the fields and roads were covered in snow.
A new morning has dawned and not just any morning!
The view through the window left me breathless and I was surprised, everything was covered with a white blanket.
I didn't expect snow in February because there wasn't any all winter.
Mislila sam da je zima prošla i dok sam se radovala proljeću, polja i putevi su bili prekriveni snijegom.
Osvanulo je novo jutro i to ne bilo koje jutro!
Pogled kroz prozor ostavio me je bez daha i iznenadila sam se, sve je bilo prekriveno bijelim pokrivačem.
Nisam očekivala snijeg u februaru jer ga nije bilo cijele zime.
February snow is often associated with the full moon of the month, which is sometimes called the Snow Moon or the Hunger Moon. Snow is also a common occurrence during the month of February, as temperatures are usually cold enough for snow to fall in many regions. February snowfall can bring about slick roads, white-out conditions, and snow days for school children, making it a fascinating time of the year.
Februarski snijeg se često povezuje sa punim mjesecom u mjesecu, koji se ponekad naziva i Snježni mjesec ili Mjesec gladi. Snijeg je takođe česta pojava tokom mjeseca februara, jer su temperature obično dovoljno niske da snijeg pada u mnogim regijama. Februarske snežne padavine mogu da dovedu do klizavosti puteva, uslova zabele i snežnih dana za školsku decu, što ga čini fascinantnim periodom u godini.
That morning we set off, the road was a bit slippery and large snowflakes were constantly falling, covering all surfaces with a white blanket of fields and plains.
The fog that was falling all around made the surroundings somewhat invisible in the distance.
Tog jutra smo krenuli na put, put je bio malo klizav i neprestano su padale velike snježne pahulje koje su sve površine prekrivale bijelim pokrivačem polja i ravnica.
Magla koja je padala svuda okolo učinila je okolinu pomalo nevidljivom u daljini.
It is not uncommon for me to be inspired by the beauty of a snowy morning. The view of snow-covered trees, fields and roads can create a calm and serene atmosphere that is perfect for creative thinking and contemplation. Additionally, a snowy morning can evoke a sense of awe and wonder, reminding us of the power and beauty of nature.
Nije neuobičajeno da me inspiriše lepota snežnog jutra. Pogled na snijegom prekriveno drveće, polja i puteve može stvoriti mirnu i spokojnu atmosferu koja je savršena za kreativno razmišljanje i kontemplaciju. Uz to, snježno jutro može izazvati osjećaj strahopoštovanja i čuđenja, podsjećajući nas na snagu i ljepotu prirode.
Your Maya
Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)
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