RE: You Can't Get Fired From Hive: The Incredible Opportunity


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Yes, now should be explicit stated, but, in January 2023, no one has a project about how to use AI, it was new, no one say that must be stated or something, just blacklisted all people who used AI, no matter how long, or our reputation here, and we should 365 days recall make. We don't kill anyone. It is just AI, Now, the AI is in every editor in PeakD and if someone want to have beautified posts, it should be able - we should have freedom here in Hive(underneat the min of read and words). If you like AI and post created with help of AI, ok, you can upvote, and if you don't like AI, must not upvote, it is that simple.
No one from @hivewatchers then, in January 2023, make a comment like: Hey Maya, if you use AI, do insert a tag, or write you use AI... but no, instead, they blacklisted me and many other over night, and laughing in Discord Chanel about me too. You can see my previous comments there, it was a war of 2 months commenting, among other people, but they do not want us here. They don't listen to us. Because, look, if we earn more (over 71-72 reputation) and we are even more Hivers here, 28800 Hive created every 3 seconds in a day, it is not the same, if Hive whales must rewarding 100000 Hivers, or 10 millions Hivers. So, for them, it is better to blacklist us, instead to give us rewards.

AI is a tool, and I have predicted then, more than a year ago, that it will be overall and anywhere, if we like it or not. So, it is in Hive now, but I', still blacklisted, and no one say:
Hey Maya, look, sorry, we don't understand AI then, here is your account free again.

I can make more accounts, and be back here, but, i don't want that, I just want to be fair and justice. It is not fair what they have done.


@outwars @obsesija

It's been known since 2016 that the platform values original content (account "obsesija" joined in 2018).
For example, using poem or story generators was frowned upon then so logically when Chapt GPT showed up it would follow the same principle.
Using Chat GPT to manufacture articles and then pretend to be the author of them would amount to the same type of deception directed at the community and fraud.


AI is a tool, like any other. It is my idea, my prompt, my spended time to found and create a story with help of this tool. If i use Photoshop to create images, it is hunderts of time quicker than using a pencil to create a background, or any other imagegery, but, why is this not a fraud then? And why i must not declare that i use PC and Photoshop to create an image, for example, a background, in a minute, and not using pencil to do so? Why this is not fraud? And why is now the AI in PeakD, and everyone can using it? AI don't copy anything, AI is generating text upon your idea, prompting engeneering. It is not a fraud, and it is not a copy. If you look like the other idiots in woorld, that sued AI because of from where the AI is learning, so, we are all people copyrighted - we learn from other how to speak, how to make this and that, so, we copy each other all day long - we, people are then all fraud, in your eyes and idea. It is normal, that we should learn from elsewhere, internet or parents or people, from born to die, so, we copy everyday other.

You accuse AI with no reason here. Can you explain the AI in PeakD now? and AI in google, and AI in all other things? If we like it or not, the AI is here to stay. We can't block it. People will use it in couple of years without knowing that they use AI. So, what are you doing there? Blacklisting all people in Hive, or maybe 90% of it?

My simple question is, why don't you come up with a nice comment to state, that I should write that i use AI? This text is no one listens to, or read anyway, so, it doesn't matter. I would be writing then, hey, i use AI, it is not that hard. But no, you just blacklisted me.

And no, AI is not generating fraud text, or copied text, AI is generating text from a prompting. So, the AI generated text is not a fraud, it is learned text and combinations, just like any other tools we have among us.


Hi Hivewatcher. I am familiar with this, but thank you for the explanation anyways.


I don't really want to get into this, since I am just a third party. From the comments of Hivewatchers I've seen, they said the article was machine generated. Even now, that is still not allowed.


Yeah, people are afraid here, like you, because of the power of whales. You are not third party here, you should have freedom here, and not fear to go in a conversation, just because someone can crush you, if you say something that they don't like.

Machine generated is an photoshop image too, it is generated with a machine, PC, not with my hand - so where is difference? Photoshop, or any other app has millions of plugins to automate tasks, and generate whateever you want, almnost with no prompting, just clicking, in matter of seconds.

So, Photoshop, or millions of other apps seems to be much easier as AI -with AI, you need to prompt engineering text, sentences, ideas. In Photoshop, you can just clicking in a plugins, and voila - image is there, paste it to Hive, and earn. That's just in our mind and opinion, what is machine generated, and what not.

And there is no project, where they clearly stated how to use AI, nor then, about a year ago. So, why then they blacklist user who use AI, when they have no clear statement of how to use, or should or not use AI. But, yeah, they can, so they do. That's not the freedom some people explaining here in hunderts of posts. It is just an illusion of freedom.


I think there is a big difference between Machine generated images and photoshop/canva ones. In machine generated you just input a set of words and description, and it is generated automatically. With photoshop/canva, there is still more effort from the user, like choosing the image, arranging them, then editing. Additionally, I have seen authors explicitly say the image was generated in Canva, even before AI generated images were a thing. People frequently provide the source of their images when it is ambiguous. I have seen people say "I took this image", or provide a link to the source if it is taken online.

From the Hivewatcher comment, it seems you not only used machine generated art, but the article itself was machine generated. If it was just the art, you also did not provide a source.


No, my friend, you just think, and you don't known, that's big difference - you are wrong. I'm designer, and I known how it works. You have plenty of plugins, where you start with a white background, and with couple of clicks, you are done with a phenomenal backgrounds. You must not take any image at all. Just many people don't known such plugins and tricks. Source of image, you should provide, if you take it from anywhere. You can look at my posts, or and my web page, down in footer, i declare all icons or anything i use and should have mentions. That's another topic.

AI doesn't take anything, from anywhere. And if it take, it state. But, the text, as text, it is not taken from anywhere. Therefore is "Generated", because, it is not taken, it is generated upon AI learning. That is a big difference.

AI doesn't copyright anything. Just like you take a plugin for Photoshop, or Gimp, or Krita, or any 3D Apps there, and you create stunning photos, starting from scratch, with a white background.
For example, in Blender, you start with a cube, default. You have a plugin, where in couple of clicks you can create a stunning house. Another plugin, with couple of clicks you can create trees, and entire forests, mountains, etc. So, pay attention, i have not writed until now a single character on my keyboard, to do this. Further more, i have plugin for creating stunning clouds, sun, moon and stars, so, one click, and done.

Now, i put this image in Hive, but my image is in, for example, Krita created. I must not explicit say, hey, i have created this in Krita, and i used 3 plugins to do this stuning imagery. Is this fraud now? How we define this?

Now, you see what i mean, where is difference between AI and Krita? In AI, to create all this things in my image, i have to prompt my idea, to write 500 words to do that image in colors, idea and style i want. So, i writed this 500 words to have that image. How many posts here in Hive have no more that 50 or 100 words, and earn?

You see, people have wrong idea about AI. Even Linus Torwalds, one of the most famous Linux kernel, and the Linux inventor say, that people should use AI as a tool to help us improving texts, code, images, whatever.

But, hey, the ones here on the peak are much smarter than Linus Torwalds, and blacklist people who using AI, because, we don't stated. What about Photoshop and Krita, Gimp, Blender? These are tools, people. AI is just an intelligent and fast tool, nothing else.

It is not copyrighted - it is "Generated", but generated in a tool like photoshop with a power of additional plugins.

Now, AI is able to generate perfect or any kind of faces, or whatever, that's is a difference too, because, it is a much better tool than photoshop or any other tool we known in the past. But, that is normal, the technology go further, and it is even faster, more resilient, more intelligent, or it "Generate" more perfect thing.

But, it is a tool. AI without human input does nothing, the same like photoshop. No matter what you should do, and how long takes you to do something. So the same - these all are a tool, to make our idea better.

But, yeah, after 1 year, the Hive community has now AI in every editor. After one year more it would be default to have generated content, and after 5-10 years, the Hive is empty, because, there would no human text anymore, nor in Hive, and nor in other parts. So, yeah, for now, we just blacklist humans, but not machines. AI is still implemented here in peakd. So, yeah, great.

But, yeah, this debate has long history here in Hive, many people think like i think, and many other think other way: AI is terminator, and if we use it, we would be destroyed. ;-)


And this is why I didn't really want to get into this discussion. You saying all these to me doesn't do anything. I don't really have any power to change what has happened, and what will happen. That is why I said I'm a third party.


Yes, i known my friend, i just say for all people to known, that here is no freedom at all, because, of title of this post too, and you say we can just start from scratch if we got blacklisted, but this is not an option, if we put years of efort to have reputation, and then start it again, and again, just because, someone doesn't like something you do. That's not fair, and this i wrote not just for you, but for the community here, and Hivers who read this comments, to known about Hive and how is working here - we are nothing here, no freedom at all, and we can be fired: in Hive, this is called "blacklisting" us - this is automated downvoted and not earning anything, never.

"You Can't Get Fired From Hive: The Incredible Opportunity" is just an illusion, to think it is true.

Greetings and wish you much luck here in Hive. You gone need it.


"From the Hivewatcher comment, it seems you not only used machine generated art, but the article itself was machine generated. If it was just the art, you also did not provide a source."

All images are mine, i don't use images from other. You can check images with, for example, and you will see, all of these are unique.

Look, for example this my article:

ahh, images are generated, so the hivewatchers statment. My friend, no matter what tools I use to do this article, if you like it, you upvoted it, if not, you must not, or if you dislike it, downvote it. Done. There should no blacklisting for this. No matter what tools i use, and how fast I have done it. I work 2-3 hours to do my articles, no matter if with AI, or without.

And if I use AI generated images, to do my ideas, again, no matter what I use, it should be just, upvote, downvote or go away, if you don't like it, or whatever. But not destroy peoples accounts and reputations, just because, you think so.

NO matter if image, or text, the AI is a tool to do many things. So, there is no difference, if you use you PC to write a text in Office, or use pen and paper?

This debate has no end, because, some people thinks the AI is evil and bad, and other use AI as a tool to work. It is just question, where you are. And yeah, i see, what hivewatchers says here, that's it, they are the gods who protecct the people in Hive from AI terminators, who write in seconds text, or generate images. Yeah... we are doomed, AI is here. Sad...

But no one answer again from hivewatchers, why they don't block PeakD, because PeakD has implemented AI in editor here, so, anyone can use that AI now? Interesting. You known, AI is killing people, fraud, dangerous, whoahahaa...
