Freewrite: 2024-11-20


I sit here on a cold and snowy Wednesday, already feeling like I could use the rest of this week off. We went from +6'c on Sunday to -19'c by Tuesday, and in the same span of time went from zero snow to having several inches of snow and drifts reaching nearly a foot tall. So, needless to say, the weather this weak has been a shock to the system... but the kids are loving it. Snow Angels and snowballs and all kinds of winter fun immediately was all they could think about.

My wife's laptop is on its last legs, and she doesn't want a Windows 11 pc so after humming and hawing about it and looking at prices for what would serve her needs for a while... we decided it's more bang for our buck currently to just buy me a newer PC and then shuffle my old PC over to her. So, that's what we did. It's taken several days to organize the actual handoff as my old PC had a whopping 11TB of total storage capacity, and my new PC has 1TB of space and only has a single slot for one 2.5" SSD or HDD to be mounted later. Thankfully, I have a 2TB external drive that I was able to shove the files I care about into (mostly the last several years of photos and videos of the kids, and a bunch of ttrpg downloads).

So, with that all done I spent my lunch hour today completely nuking my old PC and getting it New-User-Ready for my wife. It'll take a bit to actually get her set up now on it, but it's a reliable beast. I've had it for a while and it only really started being a bottleneck this year thanks to it's 6th-gen Intel processor. The video card in it is old, but decent enough to run anything I care about, and it's got a ton of DDR4 Ram and as mentioned previously, an enormous amount of space... so it should suit her needs for a few more years. She really mostly uses it to play older games (Skyrim and the like), and to edit photos... which should be much easier on this than on a nearly 20-year-old laptop. So, overall it's a nice deal for both of us. I would have liked to upgrade the Processor in my old PC and then grab a new video card, but looking at jumping from 6th gen to something newer would have also required an update to the motherboard and, all totaled, it would cost me as much to upgrade the old one as to just buy a new somewhat decent one... which is why we chose this path.

I finally managed to get my writeup about Knave out - it's not as polished as it probably could, or should, be... but that's what I get for writing it in tiny chunks over the course of a month or more.

And, that's all I've got time for today. Until next time folks.

0.438 NEOXAG