Education is something that has been in my veins and i have given up every thing to make sure that I perfectly embark in my journey of being a Nurse without distractions.
The day of my capping (matriculation)
I started nursing in the year 2021 and since then, it's been a very tough and rough ride for me, both financially and in terms of time management but I have been trying my best to make sure that I get what I desire.
Seven weeks ago, we came for our Reproductive health experience in a school inside Federal Medical Center Umuahia Abia state, and since then, things have been really hectic for me. Most times we close lectures by 5pm and resume by 8:30am. The most annoying thing here is that we are not given any break in-between just that the school do feed us, mainly carbohydrates. In the morning(11am), they do feed us with Pepsi and biscuits or moimoi (beans cake) then during lunch(3pm), they give us rice, at times eba and soup.
Me and my certificate ❤️❤️
Me and one of the facilitators.
This went on for about 3 weeks after which we were sent to Family Planning clinic in Federal medical center umuahia to get practical knowledge about Family Planning.
I couldn't attend the practicals for two weeks because I was sick due to the poor nutrition and also, I didn't have money with me so I had to travel home to hustle for money while I treat myself.
Returning to the clinic, the matron there was very violent due to I missed work for two weeks which I appologised and she understood but gave me a purnishment saying that I should buy correction fluid and some pen which I did.
Me, my colleagues and another of the facilitators.
After all the ups and downs, we wrote exams on Reproductive Health which by grace I passed with flying colors❤️❤️❤️. It was not easy reading bulky notes in 7 weeks but God helped me to pass through all of the challenges and be successful in the aspect.
All the male students that went for the reproductive health training
I passed without resit or carryover and I am really happy about that.
On Friday, (two days ago), we were presented with our certificate and to the glory of God, I am currently a certified reproductive health provider. I am certified current to carry out family planning for couples and to do many more things including that which is related to midwifery❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Gradually, my dream is coming through and I am very thankful to the Lord about it.
Currently I am certified by the Abia state ministry of health to practice Reproductive Health world wide❤️❤️ this is a very huge step for me towards my career.
The certificate I worked day and night to achieve 🎉🎉💯💯💥💥🌹
Basically, It was a very stressful one to be honest but I tried my best to get what I set out to be.
Thank you for reading through, I really appreciate. I hope to see you next time.
First of all man it nice meeting a unique person like you Man. It not easy to get something big in life Man, you sow a great seed in your life just a little time man you will start to reap a great harvest Man.
I pray I reap the fruit of my seeds.. it's not easy and has never been easy, I'm just hoping that the bread I cast on these waters, fund their way back to me...
Thank you for stopping by boss
Congratulations on your achievement, I wish you more wins in life
Thanks a lot boss
Congratulations on finally being able to actualize your life goals of being a nurse...
I Wish you all the best on your journey ahead.
Congratulations bro... It's really not been easy but you pulled through.
Happy for you
May the outside world favour you also